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~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Special Event: Brenda will be the featured guest on Mike Quinsey’s “Connecting the Light” radio show at www.BBSRadio.com Friday, December 2nd at 2 pm Pacific Standard Time / 5 pm Eastern Standard Time
Summary of this week’s free, 15-minute, “Creation Energies Channeled by Brenda Hoffman,” www.BlogTalkRadio.com show: You have broken out of your shell with the help of the October 28th energy shift and you are traveling to new inner worlds. Unlike the Old Age explorers, you will not discover new physical lands, but new inner worlds.
Title of the November 1, free, channeled, “Brenda’s Blog” at www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: ”October 28th Opened Your Portal of Manifestation”
You Are the Universe ~ Not a Child of the Universe
Dear Ones,
This week will be more dramatic than the past two weeks. And each ensuing week will increase the drama. Let us explain.
You are evolving internally at an amazing pace – far outstripping any measurement you created before your current life on earth. Each major energy burst increases your inner skills and physical development exponentially – rather than one energy burst added to another.
Again, not everyone is feeling the shifts. Perhaps they do not wish to be part of the wayshowers path or it is not time for them to “wake up” to their role. It does not matter for we are speaking to those of you who know that something is happening to you and therefore, your community, country and earth. And as the earth shifts, so do the planets, suns, moons and whatever entities are involved throughout the cosmos. This indeed is a major shift.
But let us return to your world, your being. Just as your shift is changing your community of family and friends, so too does the shift of each of your cells, shift your being. It is a very neat package of micro to macro shifts that extend far beyond anything you can yet envision.
Your inner being is shifting physically, including adding strands of DNA, as you pass the markers that indicate your physical being is strong enough to handle the shift. Some of you cannot wait and are asking for upgrades daily. Physically, this is not possible for any of you. You are contained within a physical skeleton or shell that limits the scope and depth of your growth. Hence, the energy bursts.
As enough of you reach the plateau of physical evolution, another energy burst occurs. Please note that we did not state, “As all of you reach the plateau of your physical evolution,” but rather, “as enough of you.” Which is little different from offering an advanced math program in any high school. Not everyone wants to be in the advanced math program, nor does everyone have the math skills to be in that program. Yet, the students in the advanced math program and those who are not, interact fully in other classes and venues. So it shall be for you.
You are not going to be isolated from society. You are going to strengthen and advance your society within the framework you select. Let us explain. Perhaps as a result of being very good in math, you become an engineer. And as an engineer, you create a tool that changes the world for those who need that tool. At the same time, you go to work, have friends in the community and create the world that fits your artistic, emotional and intellectual needs.
So to will it be for those of you who are in the new earth advanced class. You will continue to be part of your community – but the gifts you return to your community and world will help shift the cosmos.
Perhaps you are wondering about the new earth. Is it a physical, spiritual, intellectual or emotional realm? It is all and it is none. For you do not yet have the words to describe what the new earth truly is. Just as those before the automobile was invented, did not necessarily have the words to describe the attributes of an automobile – and thus could not envision an automobile as a common form of transportation.
You are changing the cosmos one cell at a time – but much more rapidly than you know.
So let us return to the October 28th energy burst, the 11/11/11 energy burst and the ensuing bursts that will happen much more frequently than was true even six months ago. You are changing internally and externally. For as your DNA and other parts of your being shift, you interact with others differently and you have new unique skills – key of which is manifestation.
Is manifestation not a skill you have long dreamed of?
Many of you have tapped into manifestation before, but you have done so over a longer time period than is true for you now and in the future. Some of you dream of a world of peace and harmony. Some of you wish to create a new automobile or suit of clothing. It does not matter what you wish to create. Just know that as you send out your manifestation thoughts, they are linked to the thoughts in the cosmos, to the thoughts of others with similar wishes on earth and to your spirit guides.
But the “middle man” has disappeared. Prior to your wish to explore and expand your inner being, before the New Age, your manifestation process was managed by and moved through your higher being. Even though that remains true in some instances, for the most part, you are creating from your earth being including the new slivers of you that you have gathered about you. As you become stronger, and therefore more whole in terms of the per cent of the totality of you on earth, your manifestation skills will increase.
And so it is for those of you who have selected the role of wayshower/lightworker/scout master. Apt analogies would be that you have reached an age in which your parents no longer review the attributes of your friends before you spend time with those friends. Or that you select your mate, not your parents.
Many of you view God or your higher self as a parent. Now that you have matured spiritually and physically, it is time for you to create your own world, in your own god-like way. You are no longer a child of the Universe. You are the Universe. So be it. Amen.
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