~The Nine on the Language of Light ~ DNA Activation~
Here comes some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Sorcha has informed me that a group of translators has been translating the videos of the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine (I’ll just say the Nine in future) through Magenta Pixie for some time and has directed me to that website.
For me that yields a rich trove of research material and I plan to mine it and post some of the best on informative topics on a regular basis. These should answer some questions that we may have. So I may be posting some of Pixie’s transcripts perhaps twice a week. I also see one or two of Adamu’s transmissions there too. I am a wealthy man today. This first transcript is on the role of the language in triggering DNA and in Ascension. Thanks to Sorcha.
Language of Light – DNA Activation
Dear Pixie, you asked us, is it true that specific words phrases or sounds can be used as DNA activating tools triggering our memory and preparing us for ascension. If so, what are these words, phrases and sounds?
Language takes many forms and it is indeed the case that language is used to communicate directly with your DNA. This language is the language of light for your DNA is light and transforms your entire being into light. This is the ascension process. The language of light is passed through keys, codes, symbols and energetic triggers and these are passed through various media – writing, art work, music, words, phrases, shapes, colors, tones, beats and natural phenomena.
Certain activated individuals pass these energetic triggers to others simply by speaking, doing, or being. If you are receptive to these triggers, they will be received by you. When it comes to speaking, the delivering of these energetic triggers is not just through words and phrases but by emphasis and stresses on those words and phrases.
The open conduit who brings forth higher density connection and flow will naturally use these phrases and these stresses in their discourse hence the reason why channels speak in different ways to their usual way of speaking and why many channels who have never met use the same words phrases and terminology. We deliver to you now, to the receptive individuals, keys codes and energetic triggers that will activate your DNA through the language of light.
Remember, remember why you are here children of the stars, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow children of the golden frequency. Remember your Pleiadian, Arcturian, Andromedan connection and the anchoring of that higher inter-dimensional reality. Remember the mission, the contract, the call. Remember the designed blue print of ascension. Remember the coding and the decoding, the crystalline mapping, and the matrix reality anchored from the planetary grid of light. You were to awaken, remember, and act. You were to align with the higher self and embrace the multidimensional reality that is the birth place of your soul.
The great gathering of the star seeds was blue printed to take place and as you and your entire chakra system allowed the energy of the central sun to move through to the divine feminine heart center of all that is you. You were to remember to activate the merkaba vehicle, the chariot of ascension. And through this sacred geometrical light ship you would carry the planet forward through the shift. At the point of the return of Nibiru the first wave would engulf your world and you would instantly activate your light body, move through portals, gateways and star gates. And return home to the new world in the year of 2012.
We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine.