~Energy Reading for the 11:11 Week | Solar Flares, Asteroid, Full Moon~

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~Energy Reading for the 11:11 Week | Solar Flares, Asteroid, Full Moon~


~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ As with Everything unfolding, everything is all according to the Divine Plan. Until we experience it, we do not know what it looks like~ All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press~


Written on November 5, 2011 by giacr in Healing Meditation .

This coming week we will be experiencing solar flares, an astroid the size of 4 football fields passing by closer than the moon, the full moon, and 11:11 events.

All of these events have energetic affects for us. Because they are so close together though, they will have bigger affects then individually. I decided to have a chat with my guides about it all and then energy read how we can stay balanced and optimize these energies for our well-being, instead of getting slam dunked by them.

The first three events (moon, sun, astroid) are all natural while the 11:11 events are human made. I say that because the Gregorian calendar is not in rhythm with natural time. The date 11:11 is about awakening and by having various meditation events around the world, while inviting in angels and guides to work with us, we humans are effectively initiating ourselves into awakening on a mass consciousness level.

One note before I turn the page over to my guides: The context in which I am asking for information is from the transformational energy that we are in and have been in very intensely since 2008 (it goes further back then that, of course, but that’s when it deepened and quickened). In other words, how will the energies of this week encourage our transformation?

From my guides:

There are two processes in nature. One is tearing down and the other is building up. The energies of this week from the sun, to the moon, and the asteroid pull and push on each other creating a breaking down in energetic structures. When this occurs the best stance is to be completely in your core, the essence of who you are. Let what must fall away, fall away without resistance. Remember nothing is lost in the universe, only the form shape shifts.

Both the solar flares and the astroid will be happening on the same day with the energy of the full moon amplifying their energies. The astroid which will pass by Earth closer than the distance of the moon, is acting like a knife, cutting through some energetic cords from beings who don’t want the planet to awaken. This will be reflected in humans by releasing energetic cords from those who latch on out of desperation and neediness without any self-responsibility to their own transformation.

The solar flares which disrupt human systems that help transfer information throughout the human system, will cause a temporary “black out” for psychics and intuitives. The benefit in this is that those who focus on helping others can take some much needed time to introspect and tend to themselves.

The full moon energy will amplify the closed hearts of many humans that still exists toward the plight of fellow humans who are suffering from wars, lack of food, or natural disasters forcing an opening.

These three events precede the 11:11 global initiative to awakening. This event is one of rebuilding after the heart is forcibly opened, cords are extracted, and psychic abilities or the ability to see the way forward is gone. The result is accelerated transformation with bliss and joy as a result. This unprecedented week’s energy does much to bring Earth and humanity into right positioning for the 2012 energies.

Energy Reading from me:

When strong energies are swirling around, becoming nonresistant and working with the intent of the energies can decrease the chaos and discomfort that rapid transformation can bring. Consciously open your heart more this week, release those forms and people who are no longer appropriate for you, and move deeply into the stillness of just Be-ing. Mediation will help quiet any agitation in the mind that the solar flares can “heat up.”

Protect your own inner processes of transformation from those who would just distract you and pull you out of your center.

If you are a highly visual or psychic person, having a psychic blackout can be very uncomfortable. By learning to muscle test or using divination tools you can continue to get guidance in a different way, lessening the anxiety that is created during one a psychic blackout.

Above all, protect your electromagnetic energy fields this week. I use a tool from Crystalline Consciousness Technique, but there are also other ways out there for protecting the EM field.

Foster stillness and quietness, stay away from drama, chaos and fear!

And join me on 11:11 for a free meditation. In this meditation, I’ll make sure you are “put back together” if this week ended up being Humpty Dumpty for you! And we’ll also awaken to our next level that is in alignment to the transformation energies.

It’ll be at 11:11 a.m. MT. (10:11 am PT/ 12:11 pm CT/ 1:11 pm ET). This will be a livestream event. Join me at: www.livestream.com/crystallineconsciousness
