Today too but, more than ever, I am over~showered with energy. It feels great and wonderful AND I feel feverish, wobbly, itchy, hypersensitive. For years I assisted in Oshos kundalini and dynamic meditations. After not having done them for a while and starting anew I would feel feverish and wobbly like today. Just an enormous blow of energy. Nothing to worry about; wonderful and uncomfy at the same time.
I was in meditation most of the day and paused to read the galactic news. After a few messages I was enough out of my centre to realise that I had to stop and write this down. All is soooooo exciting!!!! The messages came from, understandingly, brothers and sisters out of their centre. Excited about all the news this 11.11.11 surge of energy is creating, the possible implications for the world such as YU55, governing shifts, disclosure. Please bear with me. I am not saying hoax or creating fear. I am just saying it is so human to be excited and share.
Looking up for excitement is a well baked karmic crust over lives and lives. A habit. Many, maybe most, brothers and sisters are programmed NOT to be centred but excited and exterialised.
Soo the habit is....sometimes we take time to move to our center.
I WISH for all my brothers and sisters to be in their center and take sometimes a bit of news OF LOVE.
Love, Achara