Visionkeeper ~ Embrace Your Today’s ~ 3 November 2013

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My thoughts are a bit scrambled today. I just learned about the sudden passing of a fellow blogger friend. It reminded me, as death always does, how suddenly we can no longer be here if Creator chooses such a fate for us. When we lose someone, we often tend to think of how we should have been in touch more, should have made that last contact, should have been a better friend. All the should of’s that race through our heads when really all we should be doing is honoring that person in our hearts for the time we did have together. It seems to be the human thing to see the lesson and take it to heart and yet swiftly let it pass away into the mist. Why do so many humans not hold onto the lesson for good? It would seem awareness is key and not allowing ourselves to be continually distracted by life. To set our course and stay rooted to it would seem most meaningful and yet we so often let it all fall away until the next time. There is so much more I could have given this wonderful friend but rather than wallow in the should of’s I will strive to make this the time when I finally receive the message and learn it once and for all.

It seems to me when we wish to gift someone in our life, rather than run out to a store looking for the perfect gift, is it not more meaningful to gift our love and caring? Just the mere presence of our being in someone’s life should hold more value. We must learn to honor how valuable we are more profoundly. Is that not the ultimate gift anyone can give to another? I know I could sit here and stammer on about how I could have done or been more. That is wasted energy to honor what I think is wrong with me rather than loving myself in spite of my short comings. We all know that everything happens as it does for a reason. The quicker we can accept that the stronger we become. Everything unfolds as it does simply because it is meant to be. When things unfold we must look for the lessons and the ultimate good they will bring to us in the end and embrace them fully.

I feel it is urgent that we all grasp the importance of our connections with others. Not just friends, but everyone. We have spent whole life times caught up in the separation web the darkness had spun about us. There is no separation. We are living beings journeying through life on this planet together as friends and family. We are no different despite gender, skin colors, race or religion. We just are. I am, as you are, as the next person is. Nothing more nothing less. We are all here to share our experience as we go along. How could we have possibly believed we were separate? We all need each other to complete the dream we have for the world. To live in peace and with respect for all from the centers of our hearts where our love resides. The tree does not fight amongst itself or do harm to its parts, and neither should we.

It is time to open our hearts and connect with each other. There is nothing more important going on in our life than taking the time to acknowledge a friend or family member. We must stop living as if there will always be a tomorrow, for surely there is the possibility that one day it won’t be there. We must value life as it whirls around us in the moment for what it is, a wondrous opportunity. No putting off what can be done today, no more taking things for granted. Life is precious and it is time that the whole of humanity return to honoring that and in doing so make the world a better place to live.

Blessings to us all,

