Group Physical Avatar Report, 11.3.13

Lia's picture

 Hello friends. This information is particularly useful to empaths, the highly sensitive and those who identify as light workers of all kinds.
NOTE: The Physical Avatar is a spiritual aspect of a human being that exists outside of space and that monitors and regulates the health of the physical and emotional bodies. The Group Avatar serves as similar purpose in the collective.
With another solid week of solar flares, another pass of the Uranus/Pluto square energies and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, we are definitely in another "vibrational upgrade." Ringing in the ears, Kundalini type symptoms such as physical vibration or even shaking are possible. Another interesting phenomenon is actual individual organs vibrating. I experienced this myself recently with a vibration near my high heart/thymus area. Other organ areas of potential vibration are the stomach/spleen and liver. Also, either very deep or light/disturbed sleep are both possible right now.
The third eye/Ajna chakra area is highly active, along with energetic "downloads" that may take a visual/colorful form. It is helpful to have pen and paper handy for any images or messages that you may receive. Waves of joy may correspond with waves of sorrow or depression releasing. It is helpful to not mentally engage or "judge" it, and just let it pass through. Remember to keep hydrated and to BREATHE. It is anticipated this high frequency period will let up gently next week, but will have a significant impact all the way up and through the 11:11 Stargate.
Coming in 2014 from Starfield Press, the next book in the BrightStar Empowerment series, "The Aquarian Healer."
New Essence Spray!


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Love & blessings all.
Thank you!
