Djwhal Khul to me:
[Hello, this is Ann.] Hello, this is the Council of Twelve. What would you like to talk about?
[Is this DK?] Yes, hello. [Thank you DK for showing up today.] You are most welcome. What is on your mind? [Feeling a bit crabby today. Any advice?] Yes, chant, smile, walk, breathe, be in nature. Play your piano. You'll be fine. [Thanks. What's going on with the energy, generally?]
You are sensing a compression of time, space, energy, it's getting intense on the surface. It's also intense underground and in the air. Your world is going through the eye of a needle. It is akin to being born, when you were pushed through the birth canal. The earth is being pushed through the canal of time and space that is foretold as a major shift. This is all true. It is actual. It can be stressful on the human nervous system. Many short tempers, shaky nerves, itchy skin, heightened sensitivity to everything. It is a stimulation that will result in a mass awakening, can be a bit difficult for those who are already sensitive.
Limit your interactions, stay focused on your light, your centre, stay balanced and calm. If you need to retreat, do so. If you can't, pull an energetic curtain around yourself if it all seems a bit much. You can use the time period as a teaching tool. If someone asks why you're so quiet, you can explain about the significance of the Mayan calendar or 11/11 or ascension. whatever you can work into a conversation naturally and without being pedantic. Just a light-hearted mention of the astrological events. Then let it go and get on with your day. You'll feel better after Friday.
Friday is the big day - you may or may not feel something. You may or may not feel happy. It doesn't matter - that's all surface. Underneath, you will be altered, fundamentally altered and the effects of those alterations will be manifest in days to come. Just be gentle with yourself today, please. No arguments. Just walk away. Keep your own counsel. Stay centered. [Will do, thanks.} You're welcome.