11:11:11 at 11:11 GMT Fire The Grid Event~ a Message from Shelly Yates~[Samoiya]
~Samoiya Shelley Yates~
Ok the time is up on and I hear there is a lot of confusion about what to do and the manner, method. Well first get into your heart. That is the only place from which to manifest as it knows only truth and resonates only love. You can get in the heart anyway you know if you do not know a way then simply connect to the Heart of God, the Brilliant Infinity. To connect acknowledge you are a Divine Being in form, in that acknowledgement know deep in your Being that you are entitled to connect it is your Divine right. Now once in the knowing of who you really are , your personal truth call out to the universe
I CONNECT I CONNECT I CONNECT (saying it in threes strengthens the intent and programming of the intention) Now my friends you are connected to the Source from whence you came...sit with this for a moment. You are a Divine being acting out your role on this planet but for this one moment you have remembered who you really are and now you sit in connection with your creator, your most beloved. IT FEELS SO MAGICAL SO JUST SIT IN THIS FOR A MOMENT be in gratitude for the connection, for the oppurtunity to have a body on this most desired plane to simply be and be alive. Now you are in the right space to manifest and create. My suggestion for the meditation is that you do what you feel most like doing but keeping in mind you want to see the world you desire the way you desire it. Be bold dream vividly hold the beauty you want to see in your heart with the vision of it clearly in your mind. Now bring your joy into the vision. Your personal joy ready and most excited to share your greatest joys with all humanity. You could play the meditation music provided with the symbols and sit with that for ten minutes then you could join in circle and share the visions of what this new earth will look like
Because the words that escape hold resonance which is the creation toolbox that and your imagination. So speaking the words and seeing the visions are both powerful tools on this day. You can also draw pictures with brightly colored markers. Be playful happy and alive which are the best tools to create with. You can meditate the whole time but I suggest you take time to share in circle what you see happening for the planet remember dream big remember the master creator YOU are for you are a piece of the Divine energy of all creation. We, Creator and our physical bodies are one in the same that is what we are awakening too so use this knowledge today. BELIEVE this as truth as you remember you will always feel it. The most important thing for you all to remember is to be present with your intent, really FEEL it inside this is another manifesting trick, the emotional body creates with us all the time. So FEEL what you want, sit with it make it real. Whether you choose to sit and meditate the whole hour, play it out, draw pictures be sure it is bringing you joy. The resonance of joy that day is the voting card. Joy and gratitude are the emotions that allow you to join the field and BECOME one with the Source of LIght.
See YOU All There ~ Will Meet Up In Our HEARTS
Link to More Info to The Event Created Here: http://extraterrestrials.ning.com/events/fire-the-grid-on-11-11-11
Direct Link to Webpage of Fire The Grid : http://www.firethegrid.com/eng11/index-2011.htm
11:11 is 3:11 am west coast
11:11 is 3:11 am west coast time in case anyone was wondering. <3