Larry Larson ~ Twelve
Inner Circle Member: I would appreciate you responding to this statement I received in a fortune cookie: “Patience is the key to joy.”
We can certainly agree with that statement when you consider patience to be a positive thought alternative to frustration. You are not going to claw your way directly from frustration to joy without some kind of intermediary step. So always, when you choose thoughts that feel a bit better than the thoughts you have been currently thinking, you are moving in the direction of greater alignment with Source, the source of joy. In that regard, patience is a key but you must continue to step through the door and into the realm of delightful enjoyment of your circumstances.
Frustration indicates blockage, that somehow you are restricted or bound from receiving something that you desire. Patience indicates acknowledgment of the organic nature of things in your world. The successful gardener is not out there among the rows screaming at the seeds, the day after planting them, “Why aren’t you up yet?” The gardener knows things take time–time that is an indicator of vibrational change.
Yelling at them makes them want to stay in their little shells. “Oh no”, the little peas say to one another, “what have we gotten ourselves into this time?” The successful gardener sings sweet songs to her new creations. “Wake up! Wake up you sleepy heads. A delightful world awaits you and we are so excited to have you be here.”
But we want you to understand that time is just an indicator of vibrational resistance or nonresistance. Haven’t you noticed how quickly time flies when you’re having fun and how slowly it drags when you are feeling miserable? The vibration of joyful alignment with Source moves you and your entire field of experience forward into the place where your dreamed-of states are already real. The feeling of joy is an indicator of alignment. The feeling of frustration or despair is an indicator of misalignment.
The patience you must have is with yourself. What you experience in your field of beingness is the direct result of your own vibrational alignment with Source energy, and that is something over which you have direct control.
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