A Warm cup of Zodiac Tea

Doreen Smith's picture


November 10, 2013  aleksandra



Beat the cold and recharge your personal energy with the right ingredients!

Hi everyone!

Have you been tending to your flame and keeping warm this November? The Sun's journey through the sign of Scorpio seems to have brought on some especially nippy weather and I feel that a good, warm cup of tea is in order!

Now if you've been feeling a little low and out of it, sipping on the right cup of tea can help recharge your energy and restore your sense of self. So along that note, I have prepared a small list of teas that are appropriate to your ruling element or Zodiac sign. These teas have been selected for their energetic properties (however their physical healing properties are also relevant) and will help give you a boost based on the element of your Zodiac sign.

All of these teas are 100% safe for consumption so feel free to head out to the nearest tea shop near you and have a cup of this genial beverage!

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius):

Take some tip to sip on a cup of Nettle, Red Clover or Dandelion Tea. These three will bring back the warmth and sunny disposition of your nature and get that wonderful fire flowing through your veins again. These three teas are all blood purifiers and as blood is the representation of fire in the body, they will ensure that your elemental source is pure.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius):

Air signs can have a rough go of these wet and cold months which they tend to take out on their lungs (the source of air). The strong healing properties of Lavender, Chamomile and Elderberry teas will help combat that stress on the lungs and on the mind and nervous system. The soothing effect of these teas will have your mind relaxed and ready to play with whatever concepts or challenges come your way.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces):

While we are in your element right now, even the water signs could use a little cleansing and recharge at this time too. To inspire and recharge your sweeter natures, Sage, Rosehip and Lemon Grass teas are perfect! These teas are cleansing but will also help you connect to your more creative nature as well. (Just a warning to one sign, Rosehip tea is known to combat Cancer. I'll let you do the math...)

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn):

As steadfast as you are, even our earthly signs need a pick me up once in a while. Since the earth is traditionally considered to be a dry and cold sign, this cold weather can bring on a little too much iciness sometimes. Thyme, Peppermint or Anise tea will help bring you back to equilibrium and help you overcome any sluggishness you may be experiencing. If that cold energy has been affecting your digestive system, these teas will also help your digestive organs to overcome that slugishness as well!

So I encourage you to enjoy a cup of good tea and recharge your energy! In fact, I encourage you to find a friend (or a couple of friends) who share your element and have a tea party! While a cup of good tea can help restore you, so can a good time with others who share in the same energy!

With that said, I'm off to find some fellow airheads!

Keep warm and guard your flame!



