Journal Entry 11.10.2013
A brief glimpse at the headlines and anyone will recognize that there has been a great shift in the consciousness of humanity. The shattered disaster of the Philippines in the wake of the immensely powerful great wind, Typhoon Haiyan, leaves an unequivocal testament to the statement that there is no going back. Nothing can withstand the change that is now occurring over the planet’s surface and within the heart of its people.
And yet, we need not fear. Although the images of destruction and mayhem are frightening to the human ego and personality, they are nothing to the eternal soul. It is apparent that humanity is still in need to overcome its fear of dying, of the loss of its physical vehicle, the body.
Yes, you need a body in order to be here, but we didn’t come here just to eat chocolate, talk on cellphones and text each other. We came here to transform a world and our physical bodies along with it. We came here, chosen for this very specific task, to master our fears, to release them, to integrate the dark within with the light that is incoming from the heavenly realms… so that we would be able to raise the frequency of both our bodies and the planet.
First, the light workers and those star seeds, walk-ins and other beings who came from other worlds, dimensions and Universes, are leading the way, not for our own amusement, but for the indigenous population that lives here and has been stuck here in the lower frequencies of the third dimension.
Time is quickening and collapsing into the eternal Now. The pace of change also quickens. Each day there will be more change; get used to it and learn to adapt. There is no longer any waiting period for your karma to catch up to you; it is now instantaneous in its manifestation. What you think, what you allow yourself to believe, will be played out for you in living Technicolor, and in brutal detail if you persist in living in denial and resistance to the need to purge yourself of all that remains of the old heavy energies, whether belief or habits or both.
Energy cannot be destroyed. You are energy. You are a singular frequency, a single instrument being played by the symphony of Creation. You are here for a purpose, to master your emotions, to come to a place where you are centered and at peace with yourself and all that you are and have been during your lifetimes spent upon this planet. You, as you stand here today, are the culmination of lifetimes of experience and preparation for this very moment in the eternal Now. You are a master and know what to do, for you carry within the ability to connect with the entirety of your Being. Move through your limitations, through your fears, and embrace the changes that the process of ascension will demand of you. You can do it for you have undergone ascension on other worlds, but this time is different. This time you will retain your body and go forth into the higher dimensions, one increment of frequency, one step at a time.
The process will have its trigger points, where more humans will be given the opportunity to begin moving into self-acceptance and compassion for others. This storm and the damage left in its wake, is just such an opportunity. Embrace the change and move into a state of releasing all that remains of the old paradigm for it is not you and never has been. You are eternal beings. Acknowledge this wisdom and let it fill you up with the creativity and desire to demonstrate what you can do, for yourself and for your world, for you are One great being made up of precious little beings, each a jewel of frequency and light.
Go in peace, beloved ones.
Note to reader: I just can’t seem to write a “regular” piece today. The energies are so strong and just need an avenue of expression. So be it.
Enjoy the energies of 3.3.3 that are present today. The angels are with us.
Much love to all,