White House UFO - 10/08/13, Grant Cameron
Cheney - "If I had been briefed on it, it would probably be
classified and I wouldn't talk about it."
Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. Abraham Lincoln
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. Quote from Dwight Eisenhower inscribed on a wall surrounding his final resting place in Abilene, Kansas
There is a commonly held belief inside the UFO community that President Eisenhower was the last president to be in control of the UFO situation. By the end of Eisenhower’s second term, as the theory goes, a secret government within the government had taken control of all things dealing with UFOs. The president was relegated to playing the role of a puppet manipulated by an unelected unseen few who control of the world.
Any indication that the president may not be in charge presents a serious problem for the United States. That is because the United States government is often held up as a model for the rest of the world. If the president isn’t in charge it also presents a serious constitutional problem, because in America the constitution is treated like the inspired word of God.
The constitutional dilemma of an uninformed president cannot be overstated. That is because if the UFO cover-up is taking place in the government, constitutionally the president is the CEO of the government and therefore ultimately in charge. If the UFO cover-up is taking place in the military, the constitution places the president as the civilian commander-in-chief of all US military forces. If the UFO cover-up is being conducted by an intelligence arm of the government then the president is at the top of that pyramid as well and should be in charge. If the UFO cover-up is dealing with ETs or non-human entities they are not Americans but foreigners. Any treaty or negotiation with such being would involve the president. He is the constitutional head of state and responsible for any treaty or negotiation. You can’t have a GS-13 or an Air Force Colonel negotiating with aliens on behalf of the government.
Constitutionally the president has to cover all four bases of the UFO cover-up. Anything else would be a violation of the constitution.
Every president since Roosevelt has gone along with the cover-up which indicates that there must be rules that everyone in the know agrees with and supports with their actions. Without a proper constitutional framework and rules there would be opposition by loyal Americans involved with the UFO cover-up. There appears to be no opposition, even from President Obama who is a constitutional lawyer.
One of the high level people who seemed to confirm that such rules exist was the former President of
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-fz1UIHCNl_U/UlSTOTxc0fI/AAAAAAAAAM0/RsaPOO_DUM0/s320/Walker+RDB.jpg) |
Dr. Eric Walker - 1950 in Pentagon |
Penn State University, Dr. Eric Walker, who appeared by all evidence to have been a key UFO insider. Dr. Walker had 14 honorary doctorate degrees, and was co-developer of the homing torpedo in WW2. He was Chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis which was the think tank of choice for the US defense department. He set up and ran the Navy's Applied Research Laboratory which did advanced research on submarine related technologies.
At one point in one of the many interviews researchers tried to do, he became angry with an interviewer who was trying to squeeze out answers about the UFO cover-up. In an angry reply Walker shot back, “Why should we change the rules to satisfy your curiosity?” Walker seemed to be indicating a government with rules, as opposed to a secret second government doing whatever it pleased.
More: whitehouseufo.blogspot.ca