Northern WA unites to help typhoon-hit Philippines

Silver's picture

By: ABC, 11/15/2013

Filipino communities in Western Australia's north are pulling together in the wake of Typhoon Hiayan that has devastated their homeland. It has been an anxious wait for Filipino families across regional WA but Robyn Merrill says all but one of the 35 Filipino families in Broome have now managed to contact their loved ones. Fundraising events, including beach barbecues and car washes, are being held in Broome and Karratha this week. "If they can picture a Filipino person sitting in front of a flattened house, if they can picture giving that person money, well that's what it'll be doing, it's very direct," Mr Merrill said. He says they may have to hand-deliver the money raised if it takes too long for the Philippines banking system to be restored.


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