Eliza ~ Journal entry 11/15/2013

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Eliza ~ Journal entry 11/15/2013



Journal Entry 11.15.2013
I’m beginning to feel like a force of Nature, the mild-mannered medical records person who is in the process of turning into…hmm, not quite sure, yet, but it’s fun.  The expansion of my personage is becoming evident to me and to those around me at least at work.  Away from work, I spend a lot of time alone, but don’t mind it any more as I have plenty of time to write, dream and read and even, on occasion, to meditate.
On my last trip to the grocery store, I came home with a pile of fruit to eat.  I’m starting to migrate into fruitarian / vegan eating, although I will still eat the occasional egg or turkey sausage.   My tastes have changed drastically from what I used to eat as a youngster and even as an adult.  I’ve been eating primarily fruit in the morning for years, so it’s just another short step to eating two meals a day of fruit rather than other foods.  And I plan on listening to my body.  When it wants meat, it will get it.

I’ve noticed that I’m becoming highly sensitive to some foods, including those made with sugar and anything with dairy products.  My tolerance has gotten less for both of these kinds of foods.  I also hardly eat any meat any more, except some small portions of turkey and chicken.  I love veggies and fruit and have no trouble at all consuming quite a bit during the course of a week.
I’m not trying to convince anyone to change THEIR diet; that’s your responsibility to listen to what your body wants.  I was never into proselytizing when younger and I’m certainly not going there now.  Sometimes the self-righteousness of folks who find a way of doing something amuses me.  Pushing your will onto others is not the way to move into alignment with your soul and I AM Presence.  Allowing others their journey and ability to make their own decisions is a better way, for me at least.
Last week, I read a blog entry where someone had asked the question whether or not it was the “right” thing to remove someone else’s karma for them.  The simple answer is, “No!”  To do so is a violation of free will and you’ll be stuck dealing with all the karma you removed from the other person.  Of course there are ways to release karmic debt but it has to be handled by the person through their own volition.  And there is always the Law of Grace.  Appeal to your local Archangel for assistance and instruction on that one.  I’m sure that Mother Mary and the Divine Mother would be glad to help, also.
Same goes for trying to “save” someone.  Who am I to save another human being from being able to experience something and to learn from the experience?  God doesn’t even do that.  Remember we’re here on the ground doing the experience for the Creator, expanding the understanding of how duality works.  Any experience is valuable, even when you think you’ve made a mistake.  When you do make a “mistake”, you tend to learn from it, at least I have.  And I don’t feel like I’ve made much in the way of mistakes, because I am aware of learning from all of my experiences.
For those who came here to assist humanity from loosening the bonds of the third dimensional shackles, we doing the teaching by learning to overcome through the doing.  We aren’t going to be saved by another party, either, however much you hope that your galactic cousins land tomorrow and clean up our mess.  Nope, it’s our mess; we need to clean it up.  And we have the tools to do the work, too, inside everyone, including the indigenous human population.
Humanity is teaching the Universe.  As numerous Light Beings, angelic beings and masters look on in awe, we’re moving through a tremendous transitional period with blinders on our eyes, not knowing where we’re going but performing miracles nonetheless.  When you consider the amount of time that the Shift has been in motion, humanity has come a long, long way into the light and higher frequencies.  And it has been in motion a lot longer than since 2012.
Third dimension has linear time, but our souls are not limited by that particular consideration.  With the ability to choose different timelines and periods during theevolution of humanity, the soul can choose various lives during very pivotal points of history.  For instance, one morning last week, I woke up with the name, “the Kingmaker” on my lips.  Having just watched a movie about the War of the Roses in old England, I knew instantly I was talking about Lord Neville, one of whose daughters ended up marrying the much misunderstood Richard III.  On my trip to the British Isles, many years ago, we actually drove by the battleground where Richard lost his life.  I was there.  I know it.  How, why and in what capacity, who knows.  I haven’t tuned into the particulars yet, but it was definitely a pivotal period in English history.  And that small island nation’s soil is soaked with the blood of generations; I could feel the shadow on the land.  Not a pleasant experience when you’re as sensitive as I am.
And it’s certainly not important for everyone to “tune into” their past lives.  I just happen to have a kind of gift of being able to do so, then telling a story about what happened.  It’s like living a movie.  I’m not identifying necessarily with the players or their emotions, but viewing the overall flow of the storyline.
I’ve always been fascinated with the movement of peoples and how different cultures have interacted with each other.  It’s a grand thing that humanity is beginning to understand that we all are unique, but have so much to offer each other due to our diversity.  It isn’t necessary or even desirable to be all the same.  Where would the fun be in that?  And no, you wouldn’t catch me living in a 1,000 house suburb anytime soon.  Boring.
So, where am I going with this little journey of words?  Not sure.  One thing, winter is about to leap into Washington State.  There is a winter storm alert for the mountains this weekend, starting on Friday and there will certainly be some snow in the hills around the edge of town.  I’m glad I got those winter tires put on the car last weekend.  We could get some ice fog instead of snow and that’s real fun to go skating on with four tires, not.
I live with two cats, my furry companions.  I sometimes wake up in the morning with a cat in my arms.  And I’ve gone walking through my dreams holding onto a cat.  They’re my little furry angels and have taught me a lot about patience, kindness and unconditional love.  So, I’m not really alone when I’m home, as most times there is a little furry body on my lap when I’m sitting long enough to be a suitable target.  Good thing I have a big enough armchair so the cats can and have sat next to me while I’m typing on the laptop.
Expansion… hmm, I was thinking about how many times I have been shut down from expressing myself during this lifetime.  It’s not a matter of my being angry or hurt about the fact that I wasn’t being listened to with any degree of respect for my intelligence or intuitive nature; I’m not.  I just find it interesting how dedicated people have been to fitting in and being just like their father, uncle or cousin.  Like it’s scary to have an original thought or something.
I can talk to some of the officers at work about hunting or camping with a fair amount of aplomb.  I’ve only shot a rifle a couple of times and probably would never go hunting short of being starving, but I don’t judge others for the activities they choose to do.   They will change or not when it is time for them to do so.  Through my allowing them to be who they are today, I hope I am demonstrating what they can be like sometime in the future.  And I recognize that the people I live around and work with are in their nature “good” people, solid citizens, hard-working family people, who love living in a small town.  Many of them farm or ranch on the side, raise animals or garden, camp and do lots of helpful things in the community.  I can learn from them, as well.
These folks may not understand metaphysics, but they do know living and life.  I’m not going to judge them for being less than me, just because I’m actively pursuing ascension.  I’m a wayshower for them, yes, but only if they choose to make ascension a goal in this lifetime, a choice that probably has already been made or not at the soul or monadic level.  I do know that if physical circumstances are such that it is difficult to survive around here, there are people with pioneer blood here who will survive and do so quite nicely, without the need to move to violence against others.
We’re moving towards a full moon this weekend.  I saw a big waxing moon yesterday on my walk.  The moon is moving from Aries into Taurus, the bull.  Ask an astrologer what that means, not me.  I never had the patience for all the charting, although you can use computer programs to do most of the work now.  The real work comes through interpretation and I can’t say that I’ve ever heard the same interpretation for the same astrological snapshot.  It’s an art form.
Speaking of art, I’m moving closer to getting back into my art work.  I’ve had a kind of art block for over a year; haven’t done a thing despite having plenty of materials lying around the house.  So, my primary creative outlets have been my writing which is progressing well (at least according to some of the comments that I receive) and my photography.  I enjoy both.  I have found myself observing nature quite intently of late, noticing the subtle hues of a sunset, the changes in colors of clouds and the sky and other details.  There is a lot of beauty in this world if you but take the time to really look and feel it.
Guess I’ll end here, rather than tire you all out with more rambling.  We’ll save that for later.  The Light Collective has indicated that they would like to do another channeling, so we’ll see what comes forth this weekend.
Enjoy your expansion into the new energies.  You are becoming more You every day, in every way.  Many blessings!
