~ Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart? This Full Moon Impact

Lia's picture

Join Us Live In the 5D Room All Are invited, The More the Merrier! Let's Together Light this Planet Up In Love and Unity Consciousness! See You there Beginning at 11:00am at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Greetings Love Beings, Everything Keeps getting grander as we continue our Journey together Into Unity Consciousness the inevitable Destiny of this Planet. You can Join us Live Today Beginning at 11:00am Pacific as We Discuss what is Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart

"Quoted from Today's Update to Be Released " As a result of all of this energy, So Much has been ignited and has placed us on a definite accelerated speed. Comet Ison is also assisting as it Comes Closer in Our Sky with an Important Message for Humanity from Love. This will be released to Humanity when Ison Arrives closest to the Planet On November 28th, and this energy will be integrated into 2014. You can Already feel this energy building and this message is a Significant Facet of the Divine Plan. What a Fantastic Ride this will be for those catching the WAVE!... Body Light Up's In Progress"


Topics of Discussion: The Galactic Free Press Energy and Event Update Wowness is unfolding, Comet Ison Delivering a Message to Humanity, Full Moon In Taurus Significant for Balanced Harmonics and Unity Consciousness

Full Moon Mission, Vision, and Invocation Completed and Accomplished, Heaven and Earth Energies~ What this Represented Activation of the New Earth Into Complete Manifestation

A Month Away from The Solstice and According to the Mayans December 16th 2013 is the End date?

Alex Collier Predictions? An Validity? December 3rd illusion will implode? The Importance of letting go of all expectations

The Suns Unusual Behaviour

Sweet Surrender the easiest passage way through Now in these current energies, they will only intensify

Real Lightworkers vs egoworkers

AA Raphaels Latest Message Discussion Changes Imminent

The Proof is in the Pudding, Real Life Stories of Love's Impact Already On Humanity

The New Story In Creation Its Happening , Its About All of US

Disclosure News, Earth Changes News

And SO MUCH More! After the Meeting We Will Have a Full Moon Celebration Party,! WOOHOO! Come and  Enjoy these Energies with US, Its a WOW

Gratitude Song

