Volcanic activity worldwide 22 Nov 2013: Fuego, Chaitén, Santa María / Santiaguito, Colima, Popoca...

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VolcanoDiscovery Nov 21 2013

Chirpoi (Kurile Islands, Russia): SVERT reported that a thermal anomaly from Snow, a volcano of Chirpoi, was detected in satellite images during 13-15 November. The Aviation Color Code remained at Yellow.

Chirinkotan (Northern Kuriles): SVERT reported that during 13-15 November a thermal anomaly over Chirinkotan was observed, as well as steam-and-gas emissions during 14-15 November.

Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): The past days have been relatively calm at the volcano with only infrequent and smaller explosions and less ash emission, compared to the intense phase of activity during 13-15 November.

Langila (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): An SO2 plume from the volcano is visible on satellite data today, indicating continuing activity.

Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): Since the large vulcanian eruption on Wednesday (9 km ash plume), several smaller explosions occurred. Ash plumes rose to estimated 12,000 ft (3,6 km).

Colima (Western Mexico): The current eruptive phase continues. Local newspapers reported explosions every 30-35 minutes, with plumes up to 2 km high. Lava flows (and incandescent avalanches) descend on the flanks of the volcano.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): No significant changes in activity have occurred. CENAPRED reports occasional weak emissions mostly of steam and sometimes with small amounts of ash. Significant degassing and SO2 emissions continue.


You are invited to read more: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-activity/news/39082/Volcanic-activity-worldwide-22-Nov-2013-Fuego-Chaitn-Santa-Mara-Santiaguito-Colima-Popoca.html

