This is a state of smallness – of not knowing, or trusting, your true power. If you really knew how powerful you are, then you would not spend a moment in contraction. So what are you afraid of? Showing up? What could be worse than that? If you are in the flow of life, imbued with abundance of all things, then you would not conceive of contraction unless it was within the natural cycles, and then, it is only for those nano moments like when the incoming wave at your toes pauses before it retreats.
You cannot draw out the pause or live there, or the energy dies. Depression happens when energy is repressed like this. Imagine the force required in the vain attempts at constraining the life force? It’s ridiculous, really. The light being shoved under that bushel basket is far more dynamic than the thin veils trying to cover it.
Don’t be ridiculous. You are oh-so-much-more brilliantly powerful than any conjured fear you possess. Just turn on the light…the imaginings are instantly quelled. Your cowering and scrunching up in a fearful ball hoping that you won’t get hurt or be seen or have to be responsible or do something new or change your routine or lose control or expend energy against your will or whatever falsehood you tell yourself, is just childlike defiance. Get over it.
To be more gentle now that you have been poked awake (and each cheek given a firm and loving slap), it is vitally important that you realize what you are doing to yourself. Noting, most importantly, that you are doing this to yourself. This is not happening to you or against you or to your life. You are doing it to yourself. Stop it. A child of the Divine who truly knows who they are and honours this sacred relationship, cannot hold back. There is nothing to hold onto except your hollow belief that you are in charge anyway!
Remember, this is a partnership with the Divine who always holds the majority vote, so living in accordance with Divine flow will always be less painful than hiding. Come out, come out, and let your light shine! Speak up with strong words formed from the source of Love! Act with the boundless energy of the universe, for when you are plugged into Source, there is no exhaustion. It is the restraint that exhausts you, not Spirit. Say yes to life. Reach out to others. Go the extra mile. Get out there. Dive in. Fly. Speak up for anything that inspires you.
Don’t fight back, change the course. Do it differently, inspired by love and respect and dignity and honour. Do what you know is right. Courage is Divine strength at play – use it. Laughter, well placed, is transformative. Remember the importance of expressing your childlike innocence and curiosity and pleasure, for it is the way of the angels. Do everything for God’s sake, in honour of your Divine partnership, and most of all: lighten up. For God’s sake, lighten up. This is supposed to be fun, you know!
You know we are always with you and that the Council of Light is Within.
© 2013 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. -
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