Within you exists a small piece of The Universe that, once activated, cannot be turned off. Would you want to? It contains everything you will ever need, all of the power and infinitely more love than you have experienced thus far. It moves within you, it asks to be recognized and can never be removed for it is a part of you. To use it…..ask. ~ Creator
The Unfolding Solar Angel that You Are
Greetings All
Being open to feel the energy behind these words is like unwrapping a precious gift of loving wisdom that is priceless. To know the self to be your own best friend marvelous indeed. I enjoy the Hooppoponopo approach of perception which leads one swiftly to understand you are a world unto yourself,,your world gets better as you like yourself more n more. So simple its like cosmic humor indeed to Me. Everything you"ve ever dreamed of is inside You and loving the self unlocks the door. Trails ,triumphs ,tribulations and all are embraced...honoring the feelings as they are communication from the heart to the soul.
I have found my vibration rising swiftly from being able to validate myself,,,as simple as saying nothing when the shadow desires an attack or saying hello to a flower by the road ,,,a loving look to a toad,,,,
Be in Well Being