Azena Ramanda... St Germain - Part 1 thru 4 - The Ascended Consciousness of Saint Germain

Doreen Smith's picture


November 25, 2013


These videos (1987) titled An Introduction to The Ascended Consciousness of Saint Germain includes an interview with Azena Ramanda who's essence leaves her body and allows Saint Germain to incarnate into it.

 Saint Germain addresses the following issues in this video: Freedom & Prosperity; Sexuality & Relationships; Fear & Prophecy. Contains moments of comedy/jokes 


Thank you toroncalove for bringing this to the press

And a big Thank You to Waz Ralia (YouTube) for converting these VHS videos to YouTube to preserve these precious messages to humanity




reiki3's picture



That was beautiful ,  so  clear and directly to the point of the wealth that unfolds in loving the Self and ones world .


Thanks for Posting this lots of powerful energy packets to integrate in feeling our Brothers energy that follows the words and intent.

What fun feeling those energies.




Love This!

Leia's picture

what a beautiful video and so relevant to today! St. Germaine is so kind and wonderfully knowledgeable. Its crazy to me that this is from over 25 years ago, but it just goes to show that time really isn't relevant ^_^ 

thankyou for sharing!


"if there's trauma in your drama, turn that tragic into magic!" > I am definitely remembering this quote! ;) 

Thanks for sharing :)

Waz Ralia's picture

Hi there, I just stumbled upon this and wanted to thank Doreen and/or toroncalove  and The Galactic Press for sharing this video, for anyone interested I have a couple of different versions now on my channel under the spiritual listing one with full English captions ideal for those who cannot hear very well; and a much fuller screen better quality version without any of the hiccups as the ones above. I'll try to post link for my channel and the video I described...

Waz Ralia YouTube:

Full captioned version:

Full screen better quality version (no captions):

Thank you for watching and sharing with the world ... Always Pleasant - Waz Ralia 



Waz Ralia's picture

Hey what happened to my comment, i was only saying thank you for sharing my Saint Germain video from my Waz Ralia you tube channel and for acknowledging me - awesome :)

For some reason the spam

will's picture

For some reason the spam blocker stopped your comment, I've gone ahead and approved it.