NOTE BY NANCY: Americans, do you want to see a better world for your children and for people around the world?
If your answer is “yes,” we need to recognize that we have been deliberately dumbed down and have no real idea of our true history. We need to forget all the bickering and competition between political parties and intentionally learn about the dark cabal.
Why? Because—thru our ignorance—we play into the hands of those who control every phase of our lives, who own us and our children, and who have no intention of allowing us to move into the Light and create a world of peace for our beloved children. While we sleep, we willingly behave as our own Slave Masters!
We desperately need to WAKE UP and recognize this group. For as long as we resist waking up to what is truly happening in the United States and on our planet, the world will continue to suffer … you will continue to be enslaved.
As Cobra states below, the United States is the Key to a better world. His words are backed up by numerous sources on the internet. I will list URLs for a series on the goals of the dark cabal (Illuminati and Committee of 300 are additional names for this power elite that is intent on controlling and ruling the world).
There is no need to descend into despair over what you learn! Why? Because once Americans awaken, the Light will have won the battle between darkness and light … we can then move forward into a glorious future of Light!
Americans need to unite—one and all—and awaken to the truth … then work together to create a world of peace, love, and abundance for all!
Excerpts from an interview of Cobra (a code name)
“C: Most senior government officials on the planet are aware that something is going on. Most of those people are aware of the so-called Eastern Alliance. It is not just the BRICS countries. It is actually an alliance that has its aim of reshaping the future of the planet, restructuring the financial system and getting rid of the Cabal, of the controlling forces. You can see the political actions in many countries on this planet “estio mons” — speak volumes. You can see people are beginning to respond to this new reality.
Countries are adapting to this new reality by aligning against the Cabal, aligning against the controlling banking system, creating alternatives all over the planet. For example, Brazil announced the formation of the new independent Internet…encrypted emails for every Brazilian citizen. This is something that is happening right now. Many things like this are happening all over the world right now. This is because the awareness of the citizens is arising and also people are aware that something will happen and they are preparing for it.
E: And how do you see this being played out in the American political system? Do you see some signs that Obama and some of the other light workers in power are feeling more confident that they can proceed, that some of the constraints that have plagued them are being lifted?
C: The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time.
E. Is there is a reason why the United States had taken this role of the turning point? Is it because the Cabal has been more entrenched here?
C: Yes, I will explain. It is a historical process. Many souls who are incarnating in this time have chosen to incarnate in the United States. Many of the brightest souls have incarnated in the United States in the span of the last 150 years. In response to their light, the Cabal had to put their strongest control there to prevent a breakthrough. This has been the focal point of this planetary struggle between the light and dark for the last 100 years at least. When the breakthrough happens, it will happen through United States.”
“The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event.”
E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.
C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.
Although one source is quoted at each URL, multiple sources
stating the same goals may be found on the internet.
This information is now widely available.
The URL below is to a PDF copy of Andrew Power’s thesis/book: IRELAND: Land of the Pharaohs, which may be downloaded free at this site. Much of humanity’s true history is revealed in this book, including how the Illuminati have controlled the world.
I would bet that George did not write his book as porno for politicians. Yet, here we are in a huge mix of Animal Farm and 1984. Here we are in the chaos. How long will it take the masses to own up to this fact? When doing the right thing becomes offensive, that would be your sign to just turn and walk away from the idiots. Many of these idiots are family, friends, mentors, and teachers. There is no excuse worthy of marching in step to disharmony. In everyones head is a good dog and a bad dog who are constantly fighting. The one you feed wins. This is all personal. NO ONE is exempt enough to be able to say there is nothing I can do. By that time you have become the walking dead. Just for today, feed the good dog. Repeat as nessisary.
Heard all this before!
While that is great and inspiring stuff by Cobra I take all this, while certainly hoping even half of it is true, somewhat with a grain of salt! Look back one year ago, people sure have short memories, when there were such similar huge and dramatic expectations and a year on nothing much has really changed has it Sure I we can feel some shifts and buzzes and energies here and energies there but recalibrating the whole financial legal and social/political system of US and thence the world is a TALL ORDER indeed. I don't think people really know or grasp the full extent of what they are saying, it is nothing less than a Millenial apocalyptic revolution the End Times and Beginning Times without so much of the judgement and fire and brimstone and J. coming back to wield the sword on sinners! but apocalypse it nevertheless is! So not sure what to make of monsieur Cobra c ould be a fantasist could be a great Vira unsung spiritual hero of our times the jury is out Vive la resistance if they exist as he states!
Love to all