Happy post 11:11:11!
A doorway (or portal) to the very new is now at
our fingertips if we choose to walk through it. A pivotal day, we
may have found ourselves preparing in days prior. Ultimate endings
were very evident for many, as it was imperative that we drop or
release whatever no longer fit us. In this way, dangling
relationships, old jobs, business partners, personal patterns, and
much of anything no longer in alignment with our new life, was
hollering at us to sever the connection. If we dragged our feet,
loving powers from above gave us a distinct nudge (and at times this
nudge was VERY DISTINCT and most uncomfortable!). So if we found
ourselves in times of acute discomfort from specific situations in
recent days, for reasons distinct to each and every one of us, it was
simply God giving us that much needed nudge to let go and move on (a
lot about this in Emergence, along with the very new plan and why we
go through a massive drop in energy at times leaving us strangely
In addition, whenever we experience a substantial relocation
within our being, we almost always go through a very dark portal to
get there (and yes, Emergence speaks of this as well). But this
period of acute darkness is usually brief. Our bodies may be
responding to the 11 portal too, as our cells have released much.
Fatigue, body aches, lack of concentration, and exhaustion can be the
result. We have then, distinctly let go. But after this release
comes a lightness and joy if we have really and truly let go. Jumping
off a cliff can be challenging at times, but God always, but always,
provides a net. It is time for the new. A very new and different new,
and the portal of the 11 has arrived to assist.
Even so, the bottoming-out phase of our new ascension process is
still very much at hand, and it is here for a very distinct purpose
as outlined in the new book. Personally, I believe that these phases
and efforts from above at getting us where we need to be, go on far
longer than needed, and as has happened many times in the past, the
human response to planetary conditions and nudges from above has been
mis-calculated at best.
Nonetheless, we have made great progress even though it may not
appear so at times. It is simply that so much is crashing around us
and so much darkness has arisen as part of the process, that it can
be difficult to see through it all. The new is here, most assuredly,
and it will soon be peeking through the clouds.
Emergence was due to be released several days ago, but due to
some problems with text fonts, along with delays in correspondence
matters, strangely enough it finally became available on the 11th ,
with the official ordering page not ready until today. Emergence is
all about being released into the new. It is about creating a new
dream. It is about starting all over again. So in this way, the
release date of the 11th is very ideal and not a coincidence I
It is time for us to do what makes each and every one of us
happy. It is time for us to tend to ourselves and to create our own
personal heaven on earth. And this is what Emergence is all about.
Emergence begins where Heart in the Night left off. Please find
below the Introduction to the book and how it came into being:
Happy Reading and much love to you all,