~ I AM READY~Ascension~
With the faith of my conviction.
I step now without fear from the constraints of duality into the temple
of my light body, prepared for me at the moment of my creation.
Walking this path with a pure heart, filled with the truth and love of the divine light source.
Offering all that I am and will be, relinquishing all that I have
into the service and divine destiny of source one.
I do this at this auspicious moment and call as my witness all of creation
as I dedicate myself to the path of love and light which is that of oneness
allowing my being to merge forever with the source of my creation.
The consciousness of all life, the stars and planets of all dimensional reality.
rejoice as does all life in my decision.
I sign this contract at this time with the ink and light of my immortal
as I say it and wish it, so let it be.
Peace and love go with you all