Post 11~11~11… A odd sensation that has to do with the heart ~ Indian in the machine
Dear ones… hearts are opening… the style differs… some are cracking open… some are gently opening… some are flinging the doors open… or shut…
For many… it a time of many breakthroughs…. some like Australian traveller to Canada, Lenore Lovegrove, are literally dancing all over the globe… heart opening… eyes beaming… aura shining.
Feels like a chaotic node of the heart
For many it’s a time of a strange odd discomfort…it’s that dreaded feeling of a heart opening… some really resist… it all feels comfortably weird.
The Hathors speak of “chaotic nodes”… a mix of swirling energies that precedes a new change….well this feels like one…kinda like a mix of energy… this odd expansive energy since 11-11-11 has been noticed by many….hearts are opening and closing…other hearts… try to remain on the fence of “I’m undecided”….which in itself isn’t exactly heart opening…. the key word being “opening”….heart energy flows like a river…
Are you living in your head or in your heart?.. and is that heart opening or closing….?
Dear ones… we are supposed to live with both are heads and our hearts…. the idea from here on is not to destroy each other’s egos or each other’s minds….. rather it’s to learn to make the leap…. the leap is to learn to live from the heart… with the mind absolutely intact and loved as much as the heart.
People you’re basically going to continue to feel weirder and stranger, if you refuse to open your heart and try to THINK your way THROUGH.
People who live from their minds and not their hearts… generally need other people’s energy… often they will “rationalize” why their “logic” works “better”…. we often have to listen to them at coffee breaks… on the bus….at the bar… or anywhere where people who seek attention go… they are loud, boisterous…. they like loud music that keeps them in their mind prison…. often they just plain don’t like quiet at all…music or some background noise will be on… as often as possible… they can’t drive without music or bad news from their radios….they feed on stories where someone else is dumber than they are…. their ideal world is NO MEDITATION… NO FEELINGS… NO COMPASSION… NO LOVE…. many are on welfare because they are unable to literally know their own way, addictions are the realm of the ego and not the heart….they are on pills because living that way IS THAT UNCOMFORTABLE.
If you are uncomfortable and powerless in your own life, it’s because you THOUGHT you could THINK your way THROUGH, just like your tv. programmers trained you.
If you are comfortable and powerful, it’s because the God within, KNOWS what you FEEL right NOW.
The heart is not the domain of the ego… the ego’s hold on people can be very tight….some folks will rather die than to open their hearts… some folks would rather live than to close off their hearts.TO BE MIND-FOCUSED IS TO NEED OTHER PEOPLE’S ENERGY BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO (THE HEART DOES)
How do you expect to ascend to higher frequencies if your heart is slammed shut and you’re trying to acquire wealth, while billions starve all around you, and your planet is poisoned beyond belief at the end of a 26000 year cycle when all life as we know it is going through a shift… tell me how you are going to pull of this illusion in your mind that you will be able to outsmart the rest of us and God with your brilliant mind?
How do expect to know what to do if your heart is drowned out by that loud obnoxious voice called your dominating-ego, that you force everybody to listen to, when silence would be the healthier option, especially for you?
So many loud people trying to talk their way into a heart opening… no, this is a time of meditation, clear speech, passionate living and making the leap of service-to-self, to service-to-others… of filling up the expansion of the heart, with something that is truly nurturing to the heart… you can’t fill the heart up with the clutter of an untrained mind that is unsure, unwilling, unknowing, uncaring and unloving.
MIND FOCUSED: SERVICE TO SELF: YOU ACTUALLY FEEL GOOD HELPING YOURSELF TO WHAT IS FOR SOMEBODY ELSE *Most of your elected leaders are service-to-self because the majority of people are also service-to-self.
We expand our hearts in new ways…
We expand our hearts to include our extraterrestrial star family who are waiting for our hearts to open to a point that it is safe for them to land.
Chances are, you could open your heart a little bit more, and then a bit more, and then a bit more… this part is supposed to feel good.
Why does a heart opening feel scary to people?
It’s because it’s about the ego giving up control (from the head and the mind) and giving control to the Higher Self (which connects to us most profoundly from the heart).
If you are living from the mind, then there’s a good chance you are brainwashed, living somebody else’s version of reality that you saw somewhere.. probably on tv, movies, magazines, or even brainwashed from school.
For many who remain silent it’s because the ego want you to be silent and instead fill up your mind with other people’s values, attitudes and beliefs that matches your ego’s needs.
For some living from their mind… life has become a series of one movie cliche after another, their speech is literally peppered with one-liners from hollywood movies… they dress like the ones in the supermarket taboids and music videos… they use backward soul stealing speech just like their programmers have programmed them to do, they generally have lots of opinons but rarely ever take action because they are fearful, and yeah that kinda makes sense because the mind doesn’t know what the heart knows….
If you are living from the heart, then there’s a good chance that you are in fuller control of your life, treating others with respect, and finding balance in your place in the Universe… a radiating jewel that can be seen from space.
Face it… you’ve been waiting your whole life for “the one” and yet you’ve also been waiting your whole life for your own heart to open further than it’s ever gone before… there IS a connection.
If you haven’t already done so…and if you are ready to pass the steering wheel of your life from your head to your heart, then you will have the life that you desire… because you will feel the harmony… you will create the harmony… you will feel the love, you will create the love.
Let your mind open too…. let the conscious thoughts of love and light go…. and open heart thrives with an open mind… however just be clear that the heart is in charge…. the mind is supposed to serve the heart, not the other way around.
In reality each is giving birth to an entirely new human being 100% conscious using 100% of your brain with all DNA turned on (no more junk dna)…or… if you are not giving birth to something new, then you are probably destroying yourself.
Face it, opening your heart, can often make you and others feel weird… still I know living from the heart is the way to go… I know this because my heart tells me so.
Beloved ones… your heart knows exactly what to do…go for it… go experience something new right now….go for the rebirthing right here… go for the cleansing and renewal of body, emotions, spirit and mind.
Heart-to-heart… Dieter (Indian in the machine)