Written and shared by Carol Watson, a Healer, Intuitive and Writer from Eden…burgh, Scotland, UK on 15 November 2011.
~Please share if this resonates in order to uplift and inspire and encourage those friends that may need it at this time of great change.~
So how are you travelling along the “New Creation Matrix” Crystal Friends? Have you felt the ‘New Dawn of Creation’…..the ‘Aphrodite Effect’ shall we call it, filter, bathe, flush or swamp you as you passed through the New Golden Gates…………………the gateway blessing of the 11’s? The unified ONES. Was it a Tsunami effect you felt my friend, or simply a gentle wash? Could you feel it tingle or vibrate throughout your whole cellular structure? Did you sense grey or dense blocks still within you? As if pockets of old energy still needed clearing? Did you feel nothing bar disappointment from the days, weeks or months of expectation and anticipation? Did the event lift you up or put you down into a slump?
I had been preparing the soil if you like, well in advance (out of time, but in Quantum Time). It began on 3 March 2011 when a trinity group of us anchored energies pre-requisite to this Gateway. Grounding the 11:11:11:11 light codes into Numis’ Om or (Earth 2, since many seem to be still resistant or reluctant to use the new name). The power of activation back in March completely rocked the three of us to our core. We sprayed the sacred geometric light codes and encoded this world with the higher emotional codes within the very fabric of this new world’s heart-core.
A group of four ladies and I , along with the further help of all that partook in the shared meditation I circulated a week ago re-generated the crystal matrix of the planet through the Arkansas crystal river, anchoring the light as a pre-requisite, (out of time) of the Numis ‘Om light. You yourself my friend may have circulated the meditation to others also and even found the energy contained in the journey to the crystal consciousness worked for you, bringing new levels of clearing (the shadows and Dark reptilian/controller aspect within) or just further awakening of your consciousness with this activation in true preparation for the 11:11 gateway. As many will know the activation of the three Arkansas Crystal Masters are key to the grounding or awakening of the Cosmic and planetary “New Creation energies” as are the activation of the 12 Golden Solar Discs James Tyberonne (an Earth Keeper), talks about and has generously shared with us. You know that the 11th Sun Disc was activated this day with the final 12th happening on 12 Dec 2012.
On 3 March 2011 my trinity of friends blessed the three Crystal Masters the Blue the Emerald and the Platinum Crystals that reside within this 170 mile (longest/biggest crystalline seam on the planet). They received the Numis ‘Om codes and colours, geometry and LOVE as we focused as a group and collective recently in blessing the Platinum Grand Master Crystal with Numis ‘Om elixir once again. This time the pre-activation tune up, if you like, was bringing with it the Cosmic Light of the Diamond Planet. The 60,000 klm Diamond Planet I talked about in that meditation. The planet that is 4,000 light years away. So thanks go out to each of you Gods/Goddesses who did the meditation and added to the completion and grounding of the” New Creation Foam” – the saturation of Numis ‘Om planetary light.
On the Full Moon 10:11:11 I bumped into a young friend in town. We only seem to ever do this if we are passing to or fro important information on the “bigger picture.” He shared information about the Reshel Grid – the Platinum Star Bowl which accesses the multi-universes and cosmos and is the Crown of this World. It is within Rosslyn Chapel and the chapel is just a few miles outside of Edinburgh. “Eden…burgh.” He told me he and other friends were going to do a ritual in the chapel crypt and bless Christ’s Diamond Light Stained Glass Window on the morning of the 11th November and then head to Arthur Seat – Shambhalla. The intention was to lay out the “Flower of Life” symbol in the bowl/crater of Arthurs Seat and do ritual work from 11 am until 11.11pm that night. We passed on information confirming Arthur Seat was indeed the “Seat of Governance”. Just as I let my friend know about St Anthony’s appearance to me and my circle through meditation. (The 3rd century Egyptian Monk who resided in a cave on Arthur Seat by the Ascension Seat of St Anthony’s chapel (now a ruin). I shared the visions I had of the Golden Disc he had raised over his head and the sun energising it with its rays and how this disc after my research was real. It was a Brass matrix known as a Preceptory Seal. Basically it was used as a Governing Order/Declaration to the people back in the time, A “Maxim” or Code of Conduct Manifesto. I re-traced it to the Scottish galleries in town and actually saw it which was amazing.
I had also informed him that the Magdalene Ashram is over Rosslyn Chapel (something Diana Cooper has written about in the past) and that the New Ascension Star was over Rosslyn Chapel and fully activated. This just happened days ago after a Norwegian Melchizedek (new friend); got in touch with me to tell me about an elixir she had helped birth. “The Northern Ascension Star” along with other messages I had had, affirming this, all certainly seemed to be in perfect synchronising order.
I informed him also that the sacred Magdalene and Christ Codes had been anchored a month or so ago also, (in the chapel), when a Melchizedek Party from Australia visited and did the sacred encoding. (Something I wrote about before with the experiences I had had with my beloved).
My friend affirmed that the Resell was now almost fully activated, which I agreed with. Hugs were passed between us, (heart to heart,) as I expressed my grateful thanks to this young 25 year old friend who was totally committed, in his dedicated service work – a true servant of the new light if you like. We both took off beaming anyway!
Back to 11 November now…… and at 3.3.0 a.m. on the morning of the 11th - I awoke with the beginning of the wave. It permeated my aura and my skin and soaked deep into my muscles and tissue. I could feel a small area within my body that still held a tiny pocket of grey that needed lifted into the crystalline light. However, I could actually feel the cells in my body, right down to my finger and toes tingle and fizz. This energy was glorious and I knew it was the start of much more in-pouring. I knew that we would be absorbing in stages to come lighter. Some of us would likely struggle even still, (as carbon based beings) - to become fully crystalline in this big wave. I thanked this loving light for the wash that fitted for me in my stage of full ascension and breathed it in deep. Perhaps you had a similar experience?
When I rose from my bed at about 7 a.m. on 11th November I sprayed 11 drops of Numis ‘Om onto each hand. I then raised them over my head in an offering. An offering as a blessed gift back up to Source. Streams of up-light like laser rays poured upwards. We’d experienced this energy before in other ritual practices with this elixir. I then blessed each of my chakras holding my two hands over them, beginning with my Crown Chakra. I then held my two hands on the ground at the end which further anchored this holy light into Lady Paradisia (the new Lady Gaia) in gratitude. Just as all the circles and groups around the world was doing .
I recognised the vibration was, in fact IDENTICAL to the wave of energy that swept in and saturated me at 3.30 a.m. It was the New Light of Earth 2! I thought this was incredible confirmation. My circle have been anchoring and sharing this energy for 2 years now since it birthed. Aboriginal Elders were gifted it a year or so ago also when another Melchizedek friend was over on holiday and gifted this to an Aboriginal Elder in New South Wales. The Rainbow Serpent Great Mother was further awoken through these ancient Elders “Servants of Mother”. These old Gatekeeper are Key Holders.
Just as the Platinum Grand Crystal Master showed one in my circle He had the finger on the pulse ready to push the button and activate this crystalline river on the 11th. He also stepped into Mother Nut as an aspect of Her. As a reminder of what I have shared many times over Nut is the essence of ISIS and Magdalene. Who are also the ancient essences of King Solomon, Enoch and Archangel Metatron and our modern Seer Carl Johan Calleman.
I asked the Aura Soma coloured elixir bottles what colour (s) best represents what is happening for humanity and life on this new world today. The bottle (s) I got were Yellow/Yellow. Kuthumi. And Pale Yellow /Pale Yellow. Read the description below. It made perfect sense to me as I hope it does to you.
“I AM standing on the threshold of TWO WORLDS ready to step through the gateway with joy and wisdom”. It is the same card/colours I got for the “Guys” article I just circulated for “Guy Fox Night”.
The youth of today like my friend who is about 25 and his friend that has a massive tattoo of the Metatronic Cube on his back (still in the process of completing it by adding circles) are the new wave pioneers that are taking action. The new decision makers. The movers and shakers of this new paradigm. Young men and women born under one of the Galactic Mayan Waves. No doubt the “Occupy” the World Young Adults. Just like the inspiring under 25 year olds the “pre-eighth-wavers” like the Indigos, Crystal and Rainbow Children. Our World Children you and I have helped develop along the way. Grandchildren, Nieces and nephews, sons and daughters. The training you and I and all you parents are doing is to be acknowledged and congratulated. My niece has just made us all so proud by becoming Captain of her High School. She will be a real Ambassador and Way Shower to hundreds of pupils which will have an impact, I am sure, with their friends and relations too. All of my nieces and nephews are wide awake having been in training for years. They are ready to carry the new scrolls and beacons forward. Are yours? These highly psychic, sensitive and emotionally congruent children.
The work the earlier generations have done – the work YOU have done my friend and still do, to lay the foundation stone of the new way is unbelievable. Yes you who have cut through concrete within yourself. YOU who have been to hell and back are seen and thanked. It wouldn’t be possible. Not any of this without YOU.
Remember we are in a “QUANTUM FLUX Time” (something I have talked about a lot over the year)……… although we have reached the End of the Mayan Calendar in linear time, we may still be tying up personal nodes “Out of Time” in QUANTUM TIME right? You may be holding steady still, onto your own personal “FAITH” about something that is yet to reach its conclusion. TRUST it will even if this requires a little more “BLIND FAITH.” Now is the time not to falter. Remain true to yourself and your heart and your personal beliefs. Stay steady; focused; balanced and centred as this flux time is still playing out for many of us including myself. And we do need to remain vigilant to our own plans and the final unfolding of the “Great Plan” – keep on keeping on. Remember it is only the Mayan Calendar that has ended we are still fulfilling other ”Ancient World Prophecies.” Does this make some sense my friend? Your radiant light and your assistance to network this message is still vital to bring things to a more full and complete completion.
The Hopi Prophecies state that their Goddess “White Buffalo Calf Woman” will return to bring peace to the world. A sign of her return will be when a white buffalo calf is born. (60 million to 1 chance). This happened in 2004. In part of the I Ching Prophecy a New World Order will happen and God will return. Also the Chinese Prophet Ju-Geliang (181-234 AD) who used the I Ching Divination and also wrote prophetic poetry has had 55 out of his 60 prophecies fulfilled. His final one is that the entire world will be united and the Eternal Kingdom of God will come when the true Saviour appears. Part of the Buddhist Prophecy is the King of Shambhalla will return Lord Maitreya. 7th Century Mayan Prophet Pacal Votan talked of apocalypse at the end if we do not return to Natural Time. The Holy Bible’s Book of Revelations talk about our last battles (world ones and inner conflict), it talks of a time of war and disasters and an Antichrist who will come prior to the Return Of Christ. Also that the Melchizedek’s would return. We have the 13 Crystal Skulls Prophecy also that has just fulfilled itself when they were all to come together. The Mayan; Hopi; Lakota; Navajo; Cherokee; Apache; Iroquois; Egyptian; Kabbalist; Essenes; Aborigines and Dogon Tribe of Africa all talk of the” End of Time” on the completion of the 26,000 year Procession of the Equinox which is coming 21 December 2012 and beginning of the New. So all these Prophecies are to complete themselves. As we all know many have. However, some are still in gestation and not quite fulfilled. Just as some of us are still in the final throes completing what needs to be resolved or finalised.
Don’t give up, don’t give in. Remember your own mission. Your own truth. Your own desires. Keep on track on your personal destiny journey. Have that Blind Faith if you need it. Keep strong and alert and smile friend.. your new passport shots are being taken to enter fully into EDEN. You’ve earned it right?