The Creator Writings - Shame

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.  Just for today, look very closely at any shame you are holding.  Is it necessary?  Is it Self or Other created?  How does it serve you?  If it is an internally generated, be gentle with and forgive yourself.  If it is external, think on how much of it is really yours.  Please remember; you do not have to feel shame to identify with those around you.  Release it and grow! ~ Creator



Transending Shame

Meadow Moss's picture

Anonymous: About Shame.

Shame is severally crippling. I have been afraid to step into a public arena and offer my ideas and insights because the shame I feel about past actions. I feel like people will see what I fear them seeing. And this may well be so. I have the dilemma of feeling like I can't live with myself, and yet I must continue living in order to offer service to loved ones. My wrongdoings are minor compared to so many other people's. It makes me wonder, "how can people who can't live with themselves raise their vibration and live on indefinitely? One thing that has helped me is considering the ET version of human history. Realizing that we all have been victims of a scheme and deception designed to dis-empower us, and keep us in course discordant vibrations has helped me not take myself so personally. I don't believe in "sin", but I do believe in karma. I also believe in grace however. Grace can help one to move on without having to experience all the painful and self-loathing effects of karma. The means by which grace can do this is by offering enlightenment and compassion for one's self and for the situation. Core beliefs are transformed with the power of a more expansive and more finely detailed perspective of 'self' and the 'situation'. When core beliefs shift then personal identification shifts too. I identify more with my values and visions, than I do with the ignorance and fear that led me to make harmful choices in the past. This is more and more the case as I slowly become more aware and confident of my values and visions. Growing away from identification with the things that result in shame is a process. Shame must be one of the toughest emotional problems to truly transcend from. It is an accurate saying that 'it's easier to forgive someone else, then it is to forgive one's self'. I think this is because the process of forgiving one's self necessitates consciously rising up out of the ignorance and fear that led to the action that needs forgiving. Consciously rising out of ignorance and fear is a major undertaking. But we all have to do it. There is really no other way to go on.