Astro Connections Blog December 1 2013
December is a moderately active month, highlighted by two planetary stations and the Winter Solstice. While the first half of the month is fairly peaceful, the second half features a dynamic cardinal t-square pattern between Mars, Uranus and Pluto that will likely set off significant personal and planetary changes.
On December 2, the New Moon occurs at 11 Sagittarius. A Sagittarius lunation provides us with a broader perspective, as we examine our higher knowledge, belief systems and visions to determine how well our daily life reflects them. This is a good month to practice being open-minded, truth-seeking and optimistic. The shadow side is being judgmental and overindulgent. Chiron closely aspects this New Moon, which allows us to take a closer look at victim and codependency patterns in relationships, as well as where we need to have more compassion and forgiveness. There is also a harmonious trine to Uranus, which opens us to new creative insights. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “In the left section of an archaic temple, a lamp burns in a container shaped like a human body,” reminds us to balance intellectual concepts with trusting the wisdom of the body.
Jupiter in Cancer makes a harmonious trine to Saturn in Scorpio, which is in effect from December 9 to 15 (exact on December 12). This is a good time to ground our higher visions in a practical way, especially in educational and career matters. What steps can be taken now to actualize our higher goals? The water signs suggest paying more attention to intuitive urges.
The Full Moon occurs at 25 Gemini 36 on December 17. In Gemini we receive and disseminate information, as we are challenged to be more versatile, adaptable and flexible in choosing our priorities. This is a very potent Full Moon, enhanced by an alignment with the degree of the Galactic Center. On this date Uranus in Aries also turns direct. Both alignments bring increased revolutionary and innovative changes into our lives. The Sabian symbols for these degrees, “Frost covered trees against winter skies,” and “A flag bearer in a battle,” suggests the idea of simplifying one’s life to honor essential values and goals.
On December 21, Venus turns retrograde at 29 Capricorn. This relatively rare retrograde period lasts until February. Venus in Capricorn has a more serious, productive overtone. During this time we will be re-evaluating our values and goals in relationships and finances. On this date, the Winter Solstice in Capricorn occurs, which also signifies a more introspective, reflective quality.
During the latter half of the month, a cardinal grand cross forms between Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra. This powerful pattern will impact our lives until mid-January 2014.
According to Stephanie Austin in The Mountain Astrologer, “a grand cross catalyzes the breakdown of long-standing patterns and their reconfiguration at a higher level.
…We are pressured to make major internal and external changes and will feel scattered or drained until we strengthen our ability to stay centered and focused.” She goes on to suggest meditation and time in nature as healing resources for this challenging time.
This potent pattern will be especially triggered when Mars opposes Pluto on December 25 and squares Pluto on December 30. We can expect more breakdowns and tensions at these times, which can lead to explosions, accidents and rebellious behavior. Entrenched power structures are likely to be challenged. It is not a good time for travel, so be extra prepared. We can survive this period with patience, flexibility and cooperation. There can also be more breakthroughs and transformative events at this time on the personal and world levels.
Contemplating our goals for the New Year is aided by an alignment between Mercury, Pluto and Mars on December 31. Although this combination often leads to disagreements or internal tensions, it can also bring more depth and clarity of focus.
The first half of 2014 is highlighted by several retrograde planetary cycles, which will provide opportunities for us to review and revise our lives in major ways. January will feature two New Moons in Capricorn and Aquarius. Blessings for a wonderful and joyous Christmas!