Greetings! Today we will come to you with a message about creation. In particular we wish to speak to you about your own powers of creation. We have reminded you of that still point inside of you...that place of stillness from which your creations begin. We understand that for some of you there is still a question as to what is next? We revel in your curiosity and your questions, for we take them as a sign of your eagerness to step into your Divine power and own your place as Creators! For if you were not eager and curious to know, then there would be only apathy in its place. We revel in and enjoy your apathy too! (laughter) For it is only a sign that there are still some of you who have yet to awaken and we see this as another glorious detail in the unfolding of the magnificent plan!
As our scribe was enjoying time to himself yesterday he suddenly became aware of a phrase that was running through his mind on repeat. We encourage you to pay close attention to those seemingly random thoughts Dear Ones as many times that is how we choose to communicate with you. The phrase that we sent to our brother, our partner, our scribe is one that will allow you to be aware in every moment what you are creating.
We are quite sure that because you are reading these words at this moment, that you are aware of the basic nature of The Law of Attraction. It is the divine law which governs all. There is not one of us that are above or outside of this law. It generally states that what we put out there, so shall we receive. In essence The Law of Attraction can be perceived as an echo chamber of sorts in that what you emit as a vibrational offering will determine that which is on its way back to you. If you were to stand in an actual echo chamber and shout the word “LOVE”! Then what would immediately bounce back to you would be the same vibration! Now we understand that this is a very simplified version of this law, and yet for our purposes of today’s message we wish for you to begin to view things as such.
What we put out there is what shall return to us. What ye sow, so shall ye reap! It can be confusing for so many who are beginning to awaken to understand that it is not necessarily the words or the actions that determine what you are creating. Yes, actions and words are an “important part of the recipe” so to speak and yet we wish to remind you that it is your intentions and your vibrations that most strongly influence your creations. You may say “I love this” or "I love that" and yet if the feeling vibration you are sending out to carry those words is one of indifference or anger or frustration, then the feelings are what shall most heavily influence what is going to come back to you. We remind you, Dear Ones that your feelings and your emotions are vibrational and they are the energies that are the most important part of the equation.
We encourage you to always apply your sense of discernment when sending and receiving messages. We would ask you to think of a time in your life when you were told one thing, but felt quite another. Think of a moment in your perception of your history when the message you received was mixed and we will guarantee you that the vibration that accompanied the words that you perceived were in opposition of each other. In the simplest terms you may think of a time when the words you heard were of a positive nature and yet the feeling or the “vibe” was of a lower energy.
In this way it is important to remember and begin to use these words.
The way that we would begin to use these words is quite simple. Before words are transmitted, whether they are spoken, written, thought or are the precursor of an action, we would encourage you to tune into the feeling behind the words. If you are feeling frustrated when acting, when thinking or when speaking then regardless of what those words are, frustration is the energy that shall be dominant in the transmission.
That is to say that if you are ever curious or wondering what shall be created by your vibrations, all you have to do is feel and you shall know the essence.
In a way that is much like a formula, we can show this as a way to confirm what it is that is about to be borne.
I AM...Joyful.
WE ARE...Joyful.
IT IS...Joyful.
Quite simply, your still point is I AM. This is the essence of your creation.
What you have sent out into the world is WE ARE. This is the energetic frequency of what has been created for you and for those around you.
What has just been created or contributed to the collective is IT IS. This is what it is at the heart of your creation and what is sent to all that receive it.
In any and every moment if there is ever doubt as to what you are creating or what is on its way back to you, pay attention to the feeling, the vibration below the words that are spoken, thought, written or acted upon.
We stand not in a place of judgement Dear Ones. We only come to you with these words and this idea so that you may begin to increase your awareness of what it is that you create. As we have communicated before and wish to reconfirm now, there is no wrong way for you. Merely levels of awareness and intent. We only ask that you begin your awareness from where you stand now. For that is all that one can ever be expected to do.
As you begin to consciously create from your still point, understanding now that the vibrations underlying your messages are truly the essence of your creations, it is now your awareness that allows you to step into your power as a Divine Creator! To fully and completely accept responsibility for what you have created and for what comes back into your awareness as a result is where the true power lies. "The proof is in the pudding" so to speak (laughter) for it is with this information that you shall begin to create fully what you desire.
Breathe, go into your heart, and find the still point. Within that still point begin to find the signal that you desire and tune yourself towards that signal. From the arrival to that signal, then you can begin to accept the full awareness of that which you are creating. For it is in the feeling that you shall know the truth of your creation. The key to understanding is always in the feeling. We would remind you, our friends that feeling truly is believing!
Until next time we leave you in Love an Light.
The Lighted Ones
The Lighted Ones
Enjoyed this very much, coming from an I AM's nice to join like minds! Love & Light <3 montnagranny
What you believe is your reality. Change your perspective, change your reality.