10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases

Doreen Smith's picture


  December 3, 2013

Mariana Caplan, Ph.D.

As I have come to know hundreds of spiritual teachers and thousands of spiritual practitioners through my work and travels, I have been struck by the way in which our spiritual views, perspectives and experiences become similarly "infected" by "conceptual contaminants" -- comprising a confused and immature relationship to complex spiritual principles can seem as invisible and insidious as a sexually transmitted disease.

The following 10 categorizations are not intended to be definitive but are offered as a tool for becoming aware of some of the most common spiritually transmitted diseases.

To read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mariana-caplan-phd/spiritual-living-10-spiri_b_609248.html



a little too pompous perhaps

Alanry's picture

Must say a truthful and well analyzed article I guess but boy the tone is a tad pompous to say the least. You don't learn spirituality by going around analyzing others' faults and distortions and as human we can't but help bumble around make our mistakes and go to our extremes and imbalances.  We're a mess and no one is born a saint, and there are extremely few of the latter! Also don't too readily define by any intellectual tabulation what true and authentic spirituality is!!!!   A washerwoman can be a buddha in her own way, a sinner can become the greatest spiritual aspirant like the serial murderer who became a great disciple of the Buddha, like the apostle Paul who was Saul!  Judge ye not what it comes down to, that isn't easy,

