Greetings from Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian

Lia's picture

Published on Dec 8, 2013

In her own words, Asket says: "I am an interstellar agent of the galactic body of civilizations known as the League of Light. We are working on many projects at this time and the one that I am most involved with at this point is to inform the public about the changes they are facing. Our mission is to support the awakening of the population of Earth and to facilitate that happening without the process being manipulated to your collective detriment. We are on the ground, in the air, and on bases at various undisclosed locations around the world and the solar system. You do not openly see us, but we are nevertheless very present in your day-to-day life. We are working on the long-term goal of helping the human race native to the planet gain the natural rights they hold as galactic humans, to enjoy the freedom they merit as humans within the galactic community, and to forestall any attempts at making such a transformation from enslavement to liberation anything other than as peaceful and tranquil as possible for all involved."

To read more of her mission at this time and in other times, visit Time Transformers: Temmerian Transmissions. There you will find her story and her communications to us.

For the full download from the Pleiadian Renegades and others in service in the League of Light, visit Opalescent Nine: Remembering a New Reality at

channeling by Maryann Rada
art by Tim Jones
music "Starfield" by Susperia-Electrica


Yes we are in this together

David Porter's picture

And should advise each other of the phony ones out for a buck or some other agenda.

And the ones of us that wish to hear the truth need to remain alert and challenge ALL the ones that claim to be channels or channeling something other than themselves. You should all be quite fed up with frauds by now and down right ready to debunk them!!!

This nature of BS has gone on for far too long, people wake up and remain awake!!!

David Porter

Author of the series



IAMSHE2244's picture

You may find this generic, I however found it extremely meaningful, heartfelt and progressive for my experience. Don't forget channels aren't just for you, they are for the evolution. So what may mean nothing to you, could mean the world to another. Stay on the path of higher self truth, but do not completely insult something if it doesn't ring false either. Just gain the knowledge and move on to find what's there for your personal experience. 


For David

Alanry's picture

Dear David,

   and All,

   I notice David in your posts you are ever the sceptic - I respect that and I am with you I am sure many channellings are fake or doctored in some way in the matrix the dark and so on trickster astrals you name it.  I have had personal experience of this.  Bit if we get into perm sceptic mode we may throw the baby out with the bathwater - like many of our fathers did with religion (my dad rejected Catholicism hook line and sinker, for example, but I try sometimes to gently remind him along with bull there is grains of beauty and goodness and truth which have sustained many over the centuries)- sometimes he sneaks into a church to light a candle for my uncle!).  We may cry wolf once too often and miss the real deal when it comes.   I don't know if this is an authentic channel or not but it states an obvious truth for any who are at all open to ETs that some day some day, and that day seems to be getting nearer, we will meet our galactic family and we won't have to go through this tricky and decidedly dodgy medium type thing we will see them -  maybe we guys can have a Pleiadian girlfriend they are reputed to be beauties!!! - I jest. 

     I had good advice from a channel I read Cosmic Awareness this week "hold nothing to be 100% correct, 100% incorrect" .... It's like the famous zen master who in the face of every assertion and proposition answered "maybe"...

