~Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star Children~
Incarnated Angels and Starpeople. By clairvoyant Doreen Virtue
People have come from all over the universe to live upon earth during this time of its millennium shift. In my private psychic counseling practice, I've been able to get to know many people whose origins are not of this earth. I've learned that there are many incarnated E.T.'s, angels, and walk-ins upon the planet right now. The first time I worked with an incarnated E.T.. — what I call a "star person," I was startled. She defied all of my stereotypes about extra terrestrials. She looked a lot like an ordinary person (although there are some subtle, but key physical distinctions among star people, that I've listed below). Yet, until I psychically discerned that she was working with a space craft, I had no clue that she wasn't from the earth.
When I told my client that I was seeing her working and traveling on a large space craft, she readily agreed. She, unlike some of my subsequent star person clients, was very aware of her originations. Since working with this first star person, I've had the opportunity to work with a dozen more and I found some interesting patterns among them:
1. Star people have eyes that are shaped like crescents with the bars pointing down like on a letter, 'n." Think of Bette Midler's eyes, and you've got the picture. Most incarnated star people have small bones, and are thin and short in stature. They tend to have very plain facial features, and most of them dress very casually. They have auras with stripes pointing away from the body, with the colorings of rainbows.
2. Their life purposes are to "help as needed." They don't usually have a specific life purpose, but instead, they've agreed to help whomever needs help. So, they frequently have ordinary jobs where they can reach a lot of people through their encouraging words and uplifting attitudes.
3. They have very little tolerance for dishonesty and violence. They came from planets where these traits are nonexistent, so they do not know how to cope with humans who are inauthentic, manipulative, or violent. Because of this lack of "coping skills" with common earth problems, incarnated E.T.'s are often mislabeled with psychiatric disorders, including ADD.
4. Because their planets have different customs about family life, childbirth, reproduction, and sex, many star people don't contract to have earthly marriages or children. They feel out-of-sync with the typical American romantic images, because this isn't their style. In addition, they know that family life would interfere with the lightwork that they contracted to do during their lifetime. Very often, female starpersons fall in love with a much-younger man, who is a soul-mate from their stargroup.
5. Star people know, deep down, that they aren't from the earth. They often spend their lives feeling like they don't fit-in or belong here. One star person said, "I've always had this sense that I was dropped off here, on this planet, and I've been waiting for someone to return and take me home." Such feelings bring up issues of abandonment for star people.
The other group of people whom I've gotten to know in my private practice are the incarnated angels. They, too, have distinguishing characteristics:
1. Incarnated angels have "sweet" facial features, usually with a heart-shaped face and childlike features.
2. They have a history of "codependent" relationships, because of their predisposition to giving and nurturing others. They also can see the best in everyone, so they often stay in abusive relationships longer than the average person would tolerate.
3. Incarnated angels often have histories of compulsive overeating, or other addictions. This is especially true for angels who are disconnected from their spirituality.
4. They are natural healers and helpers, and often have healing professions such as nursing, massage therapy, social work, or teaching. Strangers pour out their hearts to them, and often say, "I don't know why I'm telling you so such private things about myself. There's just something about you that I feel I can trust."
5. Incarnated angels are very generous people who sometimes have difficulty in receiving. Consequently, can manifest lack in their lives by blocking the flow of money, love, energy, and other natural resources, from coming into their lives.
Both groups — the star people and incarnated angels — are highly intuitive. Yet, they often have difficulty trusting their intuition. Partially, this comes from years of trying to adapt to earth life. After all, the customs here are so foreign to their natural inclinations, that star people and incarnated angels eventually learn to discount their inner feelings. If you wonder whether you belong to either one of these groups, then your inner guidance can tell you more. Before you go to sleep, say this affirmation to your higher self and spiritual group: "Please give me a dream with clear messages about my origin, that I will easily remember upon awakening." You might also write this phrase on some paper and place it under your pillow. When your subconscious is emotionally prepared, you will have a vivid lucid dream that will help you to understand more about yourself. Star people and incarnated angels have many gifts to give to the world, including love, light, and lessons. My prayer is that, if you are among these groups, you will allow yourself to enjoy your time on this planet. I hope that you will open your heart to receiving the gifts that earth and her population can give to you, too.
I came upon this beautiful article entitled "The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis" by Celia Fenn. Enjoy, and thank you for stopping by, Peace and Love!
Below are a list of the symptoms experienced in the process of crisis or breakthrough:
* Sudden extreme sensitivity to people and environments. A person who has previously been sociable and active suddenly finds they can't bear to be in shopping malls or in crowded environments such as restaurants.
* An increase in psychic ability and awareness. This most often manifests in the ability to almost "hear" the inner thoughts and feelings of others. This can be disconcerting if the person imagines that everyone else can also read their thoughts and feelings. Also an extreme sensitivity to negative energy in certain environments or people, including the inability to tolerate certain people who had previously been close.
* This increased sensitivity can lead to panic attacks or anxiety attacks. These can occur at any time, even when the person wakes up at night. Often there is no valid reason for the attack, although the person will often seek to find a reason.
* The person might also find themselves "zoning out" for long periods of time, just wanting to sit and do nothing. This can be irritating to someone who has previously been very energetic and active. This is just the consciousness adjusting to spending more time in the higher dimensions and less time in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Related to this is the need to rest and sleep for far longer than previously, and a general slowing down.
* Obssessive anxieties about humans being destroyed (by pollution, lack of resources, aliens, technology etc). This is because multi-dimensional consciousness can access all levels of the group mind, including that part which holds the fears and anxieties about the survival of the species. Since the person is often concerned about their own survival, they tend to resonate with this part of the group mind or morphogenetic field.
* An obssessive need to understand what is happening, leading to the mind becoming overactive and the person fearing they are losing it or suffering from "burn-out". Also a fear of going mad and being unable to cope with everyday life in the future. Again, psychologists and doctors seem able to offer very little help.
* Depression for no reason, or related to the crisis state. This is often just the consciousness clearing out old layers of energy that need to be released. It is not necessary to "process" or relive the experience, just allow the body to release the energy. Have patience with the process and know that it will pass.
* Disrupted sleep patterns, often waking up to 3 times a night, or just at about 3am. Again this is just the consciousness adapting to new cycles of activity. Higher consciousness is often more active at night since the lower dimensions are quiet at this time.
* Feeling strange electrical energy waves through the body. The Crystal body is incredibly sensitive, and feels solar and lunar waves, cosmic waves, and energies from the galactic centre. Often these energies are assisting in the process of "rewiring" the body to carry higher energies. Speaking from experience, I know how uncomfortable this can be. But the body eventually acclimates to dealing with these energy waves. You will probably find them to be more intense around Full Moon. The best way I have found of dealing with this phenomenon is to go outside and stand barefoot on the ground and imagine the energy running through your body and into the earth.
* A whole range of physical sensations and experiences, usually related to detoxification. The Crystal body holds no toxins, but allows everything to pass through it. In fact the eventual trick to being Crystal is just to allow everything to pass through and hold onto nothing. The ultimate state of detachment. But at this stage the body needs to release years of "toxic" waste, whether physical, emotional or mental The release is always through the physical body, which presents symptoms such as intense fatigue, muscle and joint pains especially in the hips and knees, headaches, especially at the base of the skull, and neck and shoulder pains.
* Dizziness and "spaciness". This is because you are in "higher" states of consciousness. You need to get used to being at these levels and staying grounded at the same time. These sensations tend to increase with solar flares and full moons as well.
* Increased appetite and putting on weight. This is because the body needs huge amounts of energy to power this process.
* The ability to see beyond the veils. That is, to become aware of spirits, devas,E.Ts and angels as a reality and to communicate with these. This can be very frightening if the person is not accustomed to this kind of other dimensional awareness.
Coping Skills for the Transition
The best advice I can give is to be accepting of the process and do not resist. My own transition has been going on for nearly 18 months. I found that the key was acceptance. I kept hoping that I was going to wake up one day and feel "normal" again. It was only when I accepted that I would never again feel "normal" as I knew it, that I was better able to feel more comfortable in my new space and to cope better. Then you can begin to explore the adventure or the positive side of this new state. Below are some tips for dealing with the transitional crisis:
* Be at peace with what is happening to your being. You are becoming a Crystal being. Another term for this is a "Christed being", which refers to a mutli-dimensional being with full access to 9 dimensions, and maybe even 13. My experience at this point is that some people only open to 5D, others go through to 6D. If you make it through to 6D then you will probably achieve full 9D awareness in this lifetime, if not in the very near future. What a privilege and a blessing!!
* Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. Remember, as a Crystal being you carry an equal balance of the "mother" energy and the "father" energy. The mother says, nurture yourself as you would a new-born baby, for in fact that is what you are. You will need time to grow in strength and learn the skills of your new environment. Trust is very important here. I made the transition as a single self-supporting person in my own business with very little resources. I was terrified that my physical state would prevent me from earning enough to survive. But I was held though the process, and still have my home and I have always had enough although there have been some close calls.
* Don't take drugs of any kind if you can help help it. Obviously if you are on medication for your health then you will need to continue. But do not take recreational drugs of any kind, these will aggravate the process and you could get lost "out there" in the higher dimensions. Also try to cope without anti-depressants or tranqulizers, although again if you are on these you will need medical advice and should not just stop them. The best path to take is to use homeopathic and naturopathic medicine, and I have found that Flower Essences are very helpful as well.
* Avoid crowds and crowded places. I have perfected the art of the weekly one hour shopping "blitz" in order to care for my needs while not spending too long in tiring and toxic environments. Gradually you will be able to tolerate more and more exposure to these environments. The key here, of course, is to hold your own peace and harmony so strongly that instead of you being affected by the environment, you in fact affect the environment in positive ways. The Crystal person always holds and carries positive energy, but you will learn to use it in incredibly powerful ways once you have gained your balance and are able to move among people again with ease.
* Stay grounded and centred. This can be very challenging for those who are acclimating to higher dimensional awareness. You will often feel dizzy and spaced. But try to pay full attention to the physical and grounded aspects of life. The key here is to spend time on exercise, walking, food and artistic occupations. Don't spend hours in front of the TV or lost in computer games. These will only serve to increase the ungroundedness.
* Spend as much time as you can in Nature. You will find spending time in fresh air and sunlight will assist to strenghten the new bodies. Also the devas are there to support your processes.
* Eat simply and eat as much fresh vegetables and fruit as possible. I have been told by guidance that brown rice and vegetables are the best kind of food for this new body. However, indulge your cravings - mine have ranged from calamari to chocolate cake. This is not the time to diet. Your body needs huge amounts of nourishment to fuel the processes you are passing though. You may even put on weight, but you will need to accept that this is part of the transition. * Finally - Celebrate your transition. You are becoming a Galactic human, the next step in human evolution! You are entering into your birthright.
The Rainbow Children
The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s.
As the name implies, the Rainbow children come to earth with a few more other spectrum of ray color. They are born on the ninth dimension of consciousness, the dimension of collective consciousness. As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.
Doreen Virtue describes characteristics of Rainbow children:· Very few currently incarnated · Parents are crystal adults · Never incarnated before · No karma · Do not choose dysfunctional families · They are all about service · May have big eyes like the crystal children, but they are totally trusting · Entirely fearless of everybody · Bringing in the healing rainbow energy previously brought through Reiki, QiGong, and Pranic healing and other hands on healing.
Crystal children can also be very high energy, have strong personalities, be creative, and can instantly manifest anything they want or need.
The purpose of the Rainbow children is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal children have made. The three children, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow each have a specific task. The Indigo children are to break down the paradigm of the traditional thinking. Then the Crystal children will build their foundation on the broken paradigm. Finally, the Rainbow children are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal children began.
Doreen Virtue says, “the Rainbow children are perfectly balanced in their male and female energies. They are confident without aggressiveness; they are intuitive and psychic without effort; they are magical and can bend time, become invisible, and go without sleep and food. The Crystal children’s sensitivities make them vulnerable to allergies and rashes. The angels say that the Rainbow children will have overcome this aspect… Rainbow children have no karma, so they have no need to choose chaotic childhoods for spiritual growth...The Rainbow children operate purely out of joy, and not out of need or impulse. The babies will be recognized, because their energy is one of giving to parents, and not of neediness. Parents will realize that they cannot out-give their Rainbow children, for these children are a mirror of all actions and energy of love. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions that you send to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold.”
Rainbow children are already attuned to the world we are moving towards when things will instantly manifest. Humanity as a whole is not there yet, so the mass consciousness grid holds back instant manifestation from being commonplace. A toddler has a hard time understanding that. They feel if they “think” juice, well then juice ought to naturally appear instantly. In higher dimensions this may be true and it will be true here on Earth as well, thanks to the Rainbow kids making it so.
Rainbow Children tend to:· Have very strong wills and personalities · Be very high energy · Be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them · Have passionate creativity · Love bright clothing and colorful environments · Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life · Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need · Have healing abilities · Have telepathy.
The Rainbow children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will and they will use their strong will and energy to build the New World on the foundation of peace and harmony the Crystal children are laying down. The Crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the Indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers. They are all-important and have to come in this sequence to accomplish their goals.Rainbows are highly sensitive, loving, forgiving, and magical like the Crystal children. The difference is that the Rainbows have never before been on earth, so they have no karma to balance. The Rainbows, therefore, choose entirely peaceful and functional households. They don’t need chaos or challenges to balance karma or grow.
As the other Crystal children grow older, they will be the peace-loving parents who birth the new Rainbow children. The Rainbows being born right now are the scouts, and the large influx of Rainbows will occur during the years 2010 through 2030.Rainbow children are absolutely open hearted, love unconditionally, and have no fear towards any stranger. Unlike the Crystal children who only display affection to people warranting their trust, the Rainbows are universally affectionate. They heal us with their huge heart chakras, and envelop us in a blanket of rainbow-colored energy that we so sorely need. They are our earth angels.
The Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
Meet the Rainbow Children! They are the embodiment of our divinity and the example of our potential. The Rainbow Children have never lived on this planet before, and they’re going straight to the Crystal Children as their moms and dads. These children are entirely fearless of everybody. They’re little avatars who are all about service. These are children who are only here to give—Rainbow Children are already at their spiritual peak.
Then, there’s the Crystal Children. The first thing that most people notice about them is their eyes—large, penetrating and wise beyond their years. The Crystal Children’s eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for these children to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, Crystal Children are the pointers for where humanity is headed . . . and it's a good direction! The older children (approximately ages 7 through 25), are called "Indigo Children."
They share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination.
Those adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They are often mislabeled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they’re medicated, The Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energy. I wrote about the Indigos at length in my book, The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children. I also recommend The Indigo Children and An Indigo Celebration, two other Hay House books written by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober.
In contrast, the Crystal Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums occasionally, but these children are largely forgiving and easy-going. The Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos' trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world. And now, the fearless Rainbow Children are pure givers ready to fulfill our needs.
The terms "Indigo," "Crystal" and “Rainbow” were given to these three generations, because they most accurately describe their aura colors and energy patterns.
Indigo Children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the color of the "third eye chakra," which is an energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions and spirits. Many of the Indigo Children are clairvoyant. The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multicolors in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks. The Rainbow Children radiate rainbow energy, the kind that we were created with, to instill within us health and balance.
Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos' inner lie detectors are integral. As mentioned before, this warrior spirit is threatening to some adults. And the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They don't have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything's okay . . . unless they’re medicated or sedated.
Crystal Children's innate spiritual gifts are also misunderstood. Specifically, Crystal Children have telepathic abilities that lead them to talk later in life. In the new world, we will all be much more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We won't rely so much upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be faster, more direct and more honest, because it will be mind-to-mind. Already, increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time high, accompanied by books, television shows and movies on the topic.
So, it's not surprising that the generation following the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. Many of the Crystal Children have delayed speech patterns, and it's not uncommon for them to wait until they're 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking. But parents tell me that they have no trouble communicating with their silent children. Far from it!
The parents engage in mind-to-mind communication with their Crystal Children. And the Crystals use a combination of telepathy, self-fashioned sign language and sounds (including song) to get their point across. The trouble comes about when the Crystals are judged by medical and educational personnel as having "abnormal" speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as the number of Crystals are born, the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record high.
It's true that the Crystal Children are different from other generations.But why do we need to pathologize these differences? If these children are successfully communicating at home, and the parents aren't reporting any problems . . . then why try to make it a problem? The diagnostic criterion for autism is quite clear. It states that the autistic person lives in his or her own world, and is disconnected from other people. The autistic person doesn't talk because of an indifference to communicating with others.
Crystal Children are quite the opposite. They’re among the most connected, communicative, caring and cuddly of any generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. And they display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal Children spontaneously hug and care for people in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that! In my book, The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, I wrote that ADHD should stand for Attention Dialed into a Higher Dimension. This would more accurately describe that generation. In the same vein, Crystal Children don't warrant a label of autism. They aren't autistic, they're AWE-tistic!
These children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anything is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame these children with labels, or medicate them into submission, we will have undermined a heaven-sent gift. We will crush a civilization before it has time to take roots. Fortunately, there are many positive solutions and alternatives. And the same heaven that sent us the Crystal Children can assist those of us who are advocates for these children.
I first began noticing the Crystal Children during my travels around the world, giving workshops about the angels. I noticed their eyes and magnetic personalities. I held mental conversations with the children, and could clearly hear them answer my questions in mind. I’d watch them smile in response to my mentally sent compliments. These kids hear my thoughts! I realized. Over the next few years, I interviewed children and parents for my book, The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children. I've always been fascinated with finding patterns among human behavior. Although we're all as unique as snowflakes, the snowflakes share commonalities. With the Indigo Children, I found the traits described earlier. With the Crystal Children, my research took even more interesting twists and turns.
Whenever I met them, I found myself falling in love with each young Crystal Child. Their hearts were as open and loving as any angel with whom I'd interacted. I found them unguarded and unpretentious. I'd go to sleep thinking about these children, and wake up with volumes of information given to me by the spirit world (or perhaps by the Crystal Children themselves) while I slept. Each morning, I'd wake up knowing more about the Crystal Children than I'd previously known the evening before! I began lecturing about the Crystal Children and found my audiences very receptive. Many of them were parents, grandparents, or teachers of these special youngsters. They instantly recognized their child's characteristics as I described them.
I asked audience members and subscribers of my newsletter to complete a questionnaire about their Crystal Children. Within one day of my putting out that request, I received hundreds of replies. For my book The Crystal Children, I reviewed hundreds of pages of stories submitted to me by people who were raising and teaching these remarkable children. As I reviewed the survey results, two things happened. First, I felt my heart swell with love and gratitude. Just reading the stories was like being in the presence of mighty angels! I felt ecstatically high by these amazing youngsters' presence on our planet, and also reassured about our collective future. God wouldn't have sent this special breed of humans to earth, were we on our last leg as a civilization or planet. Just like humans have evolved from ape-like postures, the Crystal Children are concrete evidence that we're progressing in evolution.
Secondly, I found crystal clear patterns among each survey respondent. I read dozens of similar stories about the Crystals and their relationships to animals, plants, rocks and the elderly, for instance. I poured over many stories with eerily similar accounts about children telepathically communicating with their parents . . . while eschewing verbal communication.
Many parents told me, "I never could relate to the descriptions of Indigo Children. My youngster seemed different. But the Crystal Child description was one that perfectly described my child!" Most parents reported a happy relationship with their Crystal Child marked with very few problems. I heard from parents and grandparents around the globe as they described their Crystal as "an angel," "the love of my life," "a true joy," and so on. I noticed that not only were the Crystal Children highly spiritually sensitive, but so were their parents. The souls of Crystal Children were obviously selecting parents who could raise them in a spiritually nurturing environment. Occasionally, I met children who came through parents who were spiritually unaware. In these cases, their grandparents were highly evolved lightworkers who helped to protect and hone the child's spiritual knowledge and gifts. Most people told me that their Crystal Child was a profound spiritual teacher, who taught parents a great deal about being an exceptionally loving and kind person.
One day, I was lecturing about Crystal Children in Sydney, Australia. At the break, my publisher (who was there selling my books) said to me, "What is this book that everyone is asking me about? They're all asking to buy a Crystal Children book!" I laughed and told him that there was no such book. I was simply reporting the data that I'd gathered from interviews and my own channelings. My publisher said, "Well, they obviously want the book. Will you write it?" Without hesitation, I heard myself reply, "Yes, of course I will." My book, "The Crystal Children" is now available at most bookstores and can also be purchased on this Website. (See Bookstore)
These children are the answers to our prayers.
The Rainbow Children are now being born as the Crystal Children become adults. And these are a few adult Crystal Children that are in their 20s now. Rainbow Children are coming about because the full spectrum of light that we need to assimilate serotonin in our body has been reduced. In other words, when we go out on a clear day with no smog and we’re out in the sunshine, we’re receiving in our body a “rainbow” through the sun waves. And that’s the way that we were created—to need rainbow energy. As a team, we Earth angels, Lightworkers, Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows and whatever generations that God/Goddess has in store for us after that, are all here working together. We’re all here for peace. And we can do it!
Indigo and Crystal Child Phenomena
Therefore, the Indigos have emerged to knock down the old outdated systems! They are warriors and they are on a mission! They create chaos everywhere they go. They can sense dishonesty a mile away and are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations within their homes, schools and work places. Gone are the days of threatening "wait till your father gets home," or "you'll be suspended," the Indigos don't care! They have inner-lie detectors and will not be manipulated nor fall for hidden agendas. They are very head strong and do not like to be told what to do, nor do they want to do it your way. If we do not break out of our old control habits, threat habits or any other destructive behavior, they will show us that we must learn new methods in order for peace to prevail! This is done through heart connections, with love. They simply do not have the ability to disassociate from their feelings and pretend that everything is okay. They respond the best to all situations when they are treated like a respected adult. If we are acting childish in a manipulating, hurtful way, they will mirror back to us our own behavior. This causes more frustration within ourselves than it does within them! Their goal is for US to change, not them. Their horns toot "Treat others as you would want to be treated!" They are not shy in letting you know exactly what they need. Watch them. They have no hidden agenda. They are our teachers!
The Indigos are creating chaos with the end result being a peaceful, loving world. Many, but not all Indigos are labeled by the medical world as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or more commonly known as ADD/ADHD because they can't be still, they can't focus, they bore easily, they are impulsive and they do things super fast. Giving them medication is not the answer! That is once again a control factor not to mention all the detrimental health problems including death that occurs from these types of medications. Indigo and Crystal children are extremely intelligent and need their minds stimulated with things they enjoy to do. They have amazing memories and are gifted souls with an evolved consciousness. They need to be taught in a different way, through subjects they love that stimulate their whole beings! We are moving beyond the mind and into the heart. These Indigo children will not conform to the old ritual text book teachings. This system is old and needs to be replaced. They are trying to show the teachers of the school systems that they need a new way of learning. This is beginning to happen.
How can you tell if you are an Indigo? A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:
• Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?
• Do you feel wise beyond your years?
• Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?
• Do you feel out of place in today's world?
• Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?
• Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?
• Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?
• Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?
• Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?
• Misunderstood by family? Perhaps the black sheep of the family?
• Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?
• Are you emotionally sensitive?
• Did you have a difficult childhood?
• Do you often feel disempowered by too much authority?
If you can answer yes to these questions, then you are most likely an Indigo. If you want outside validation than you may want to find a person who has honed the gift of clairvoyance, the gift of seeing what most people do not. The clairvoyant person while looking at you or tuning into your energy field, will be able to tell if you are Indigo or not by the color of your aura which is the invisible energy field surrounding your physical body. You can also have an aura photo taken to see for yourself your own colors.
So what can I do to help my child?
Through my own experience, I have learnt that it is extremely important to have harmonious energy within our environments, to stay grounded and keep shielded. I believe if this small piece of advice hit mainstream schools it would make a huge difference in all the kids' temperaments! I am an Indigo/Crystal and a single mom or four Indigo/Crystal children and know first hand that if the energy within our home is 'off' the children are wild! They will be much more aggressive towards one another, more fighting, crying and very restless. They have more temper tantrums and mood swings and refuse any kind of authority! When the home is energetically balanced, they are much more relaxed, calm, gentle and peaceful. Ahh, normal kids!
Leaving our energetically balanced, sacred space to go out into public places, un-protected is a living nightmare! The change within my children's temperament is like watching Jekyll and Hyde! Onlookers or unaware people would perceive this to be children that are wild or have had way too much sugar or more commonly "the mother has no control." My oldest child especially is affected. He's ten and has been diagnosed as 'ADHD.' When we finally get back inside our vehicle and start the drive home, they all will have begun to calm down. (I have adjusted the energy of our vehicle to be harmonious as well.) Not long after we have entered our house, usually they have begun to 'crash'. It's similar to a sugar high, they are at their peak of explosion in public because of the denser energies and when they get back into their own frequency they start to burn out because of the chaos their bodies have experienced! Talk about detrimental to their health. I have provided a list of things below that work wonderfully well for us in creating our sacred environment and other things to empower my Indigo/Crystal Kids.
BREATHE! Breathing moves energy. When they are frustrated, scared, hyper, etc. ask them to Stop and Breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Tell them to really exert the out blow, like blowing out your anger! Make it fun and do it with them.
Smudge your home to help clear the distracting vibrations. This needs to be done immediately after a blow up of any sort and on a regular basis. Make it part of your house cleaning routine! I smudge a lot, sometimes daily depending upon what the kids have picked up from school. This truly makes an amazing difference!
Staying 'Grounded' is very important. There are many methods of how this is done. I personally like something that is fast and easy to do. Intention and visualizing are quick easy methods and can be done in a second at anytime, without anyone even noticing! The first thing I do is ask Gaia (Mother Earth) her permission for my grounding cord to enter the core of her being. Then I visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from my root chakra (tail bone area) and entering Gaia. It grows in length, and continues to grow until it has been fully anchored into the core of Gaia. This grounding cord releases negative energy and also brings in positive energy. Set your intention to send all the negative energy down this cord, physically exhale, releasing it into Gaia. After the negative energy has all been released, with intention bring up the positive life-giving earth energy with a physical inhale. Thank Gaia and do not worry that this will hurt her, it doesn't! Have your kids make a monkey chain cord. It's the intention that works!
Staying 'Shielded' is also very important. Indigos and Crystals are extremely sensitive. Their highly tuned energy fields pick up negative emotions and environmental energy from their surroundings like a sponge which cause severe mood swings. Imagine being in a room where there are four depressed people, three angry people and the room itself has not been energetically cleared from all the emotional yuck for years! The Indigo unknowingly will pick up all this energy and take it on as their own! And people wonder why they are labeled as ADHD! Teach them to create and surround themselves with the "bubble of white light" protection every morning! This repels the negative energy around them but allows the positive energy to enter. The bubble would look like a soap bubble with them inside of it.
EXERCISE. It is important for exercise to remain a part of all of our lives, but this also helps the Indigo/Crystal Children to rid themselves of excess energy as their nervous systems are wired differently than others. Excellent exercise outlets to release what they are holding in their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies are: Martial Arts, Yoga, Karate, Tai-Chi, Dance Classes, Running, Skipping, Gymnastics: Anything they love that gets them moving!
Bring nature indoors. Lots of beautiful plants, rocks, crystals, waterfalls, aquariums etc. A quiet space with no electrical equipment in the room. This is a room for them to just BE. Do whatever they love to do in their quiet time. Be it art work, read, puzzles, Lego blocks, etc. Nightly baths in sea salt. Be sure to drink extra water as this pulls toxins from the physical body and also clears negative energies from the energetic body.
Put sea salt on their names with their permission. The salt pulls out all the negative energies that no longer serve them. Let this sit for 24 hours, and then dump the salt into the toilet.
The removal of all artificial scents is a must! Use only the highest quality oils and unscented beeswax candles.
Play dolphin, orca, and angelic relaxing music. Screaming chaotic music is only going to disturb their energy.
Keep all electrical stuff out of their bedrooms. They simply can't tolerate the very dangerous electromagnetic waves these devices send out. This will help them sleep deeply and peacefully.
Be honest with them at all times with no manipulation about all things, toning it down to their age level. If you don't you will have a war on your hands!
Reiki Energy Healing, Sound Healing, and other alternative healing methods are recommended for healing, balancing, rejuvenating and empowering not just Indigos but all of us!
We are moving into a wonderful new world where peace will reside! That's a beautiful thing. © 2004-2006 Lisa Whatley
Understanding The Children Of Today
I have noticed alot of people asking questions on what is an Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow child. I have three children who have their own unique traits and personalities. I believe the children of today are all here for a reason. I have read alot of books and have spoken to a number of people about the children of today. Just last week I had my daughters new teacher call me to discuss her behaviour in the classroom in which she had explained my daughters characteristics. I asked her if she had heard of the Indigo child and she replied No and in that sentence I told her that what she had said was the characteristics of an Indigo child.
From reading and listening to what others have said I do believe these groups of children all need to be fully understood and require alot of support as they can experience deep emotional pain as they strive to utilize the gifts they have been blessed with. Each child is unique and does have a gift of their own. We are all born with intuitive abilities and have them, many just need to learn how to use them again. This knowledge is always there but we forget it because of the mass consciousness of society. That is why the children of today, society does not understand them, teachers punish them, parents take them to the doctors and doctors prescribe them pills from their essence. All children are equal and there is no naming any one child as more special than another. I have put together a summary of the two most common characteristics found in some children today:-
Indigo Children The “Indigo” which I call my daughter “Indigo Warrior” are the children that are often mis-diagnosed as having ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). They have an enormous amount of energy and refuse to follow orders of direction. They do not like discipline and authority and get bored very easily. They need to be given as much freedom to flourish and time must be taken by their parents to listen to what “They” have to say. They look at their parents as role models and like to be treated as a best friend. With the Indigo child you need to be very supportive and help them remain positive in their quest as they already know their life path.
Most common Characteristics of a Indigo are:-
* Usually strong willed, but sometimes can lack self esteem.
* Highly energetic, true warrior spirit - very athletic.
* Have difficulty with authority and discipline.
* Are talented, intelligent, creative with what they choose to do.
* Often powerfully intuitive, psychically aware and quite often telepathic.
* Easily bonds with animals and nature.
* Gets bored rather easily.
* Refuse to follow orders or directions, lacks patience and waiting in line is difficult for them.
* Often sees better ways of doing things at home and school.
* Does not respond to guilt trips, want good reasons.
* Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage.
* Looks for real, deep and lasting friendships.
* Need, want and respect boundaries that are consistent and fair.
* Intolerant to those who display hypocrisy, ignorance and arrogance.
* Needs parents support to discover themselves.
* Possess a deep desire to help the world in a big way.
Crystal Children The “Crystal” children is what I call one of my sons. Very special and have an air of authority around them emitting to others “I know what I want”. Most have beautiful penetrating eyes which appear to hypnotize you and their personality is usually happy, loving, forgiving and nurturing. They are normally blissfully content and love to climb and explore with utter confidence and balance. You will find that many of them have delayed speech patterns and may wait until three or four years old before they begin to speak.
Most common Characteristics of a Crystal are:
* Loving, forgiving, sensitive, magnetic personalities.
* Beautiful eyes with an intense stare.
* Very affectionate and nurturing.
* Have food allergies, can be “picky” when it comes to food.
* Do not like clothing, like clothing that is soft, loose and natural.
* Start talking late in childhood.
* Have a strong desire to help others, especially children in need.
* Like to play with stones and crystals.
* Love being outdoors in nature and love animals.
* Exhibit healing abilities and communicate telepathically.
* Sensitive to planetary and cosmic energy, such as the moon.
* Most are highly intelligent and Wise old souls.
While many people are uncomfortable with certain aspects of these characteristics and especially with the expectations being placed on these children, it is gaining greater acceptance in the mainstream because of the solutions put forth by its proponents - that our schools need to be overhauled to deal with todays children, that drugging our kids is NOT an answer, and that todays children need to be understood properly and prepared for the world.
Also, I believe childrens emotional wholeness is the foundation for their life. When their emotional wholeness is strong and clear, they can accomplish so much and be fulfilled and happy as a person. This is the most important gift you can give your child. You lay an emotional foundation for your child, whether you are aware of it or not. Every interaction with your child and every experience they have in life creates the emotional environment in which they develop, whether your child is 7 weeks, 7 years or 17 years old. These experiences help them build strong emotional resources and the ability to flourish.
I would like to see parents today making a commitment in making their childrens emotional wholeness a priority and to watch what new things as a parent you discover and what experiences occur in your childs life and in your own. The children today are here to change the world and help us all to live in greater harmony, peace and happiness with one another.
source:newage journey
WHAT ARE INDIGO AND CRYSTAL CHILDREN AND ADULTS? source www.starchild.co.za/what.html
How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?
We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.
The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.
The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.
The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".
The following extract describes the difference between Indigo and Crystal Children. It is from Doreen Virtue's article Indigo and Crystal Children:
The first thing most people notice about Crystal Children is their eyes, large, penetrating, and wise beyond their years. Their eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for the child to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, they are the pointers for where humanity is headed ... and its a good direction!
The older children (approximately age 7 through 25), called "indigo Children", share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination..........
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press, she mentions not taking any drugs. We know many of you consider cannibus a Drug. However, this Planet, a Plant~~ is very beneficial for the awakening. It Assists in opening up the Pineal Gland. All our Love Mother and Father God~