I was talking to my friend Diana about the energies of this past year and saying how it feels like so many of us have been retrenched from what we used to do, whether we’re experiencing that literally, emotionally or energetically. She replied with her fabulous laugh: “Yes it feels like that, but where’s the redundancy package!!?”
Even if we’re still in ‘old’ roles, our old version of why we’re doing it has changed and so it feels like we’re no longer driving with the same purpose, direction, focus, motivation or map. We have a new role now, even if we think we’re in an old role, which can be simultaneously confusing and exciting.
Some are feeling full of new energy, while many others are feeling empty and lost, like we’re bobbing around in a vast ocean with no anchor or sense of purpose or direction other than whatever it is we are doing right NOW. Amidst this foggy haze, sharp bolts and windows of clarity arrive and wooshes of ‘kick up the pants’ energy surge through us. We see and feel glimpses of our future self beckoning to us saying this way, this way!
Today I got a strong message that I’ll be writing a long Report ‘Goodbye 2013 and Hello 2014′ explaining in further depth all of the above and more. I look forward to sharing it with you I’m guessing at some point in the New Year, and to be honest am looking forward to seeing what it says!
(C) Dana Mrkich 2013