Remembering Lloyd Pye

Rain's picture


Attention David Lynch

De Void, Herald Tribune - Billy Cox, 12/12/13

Instead, Lloyd pursued the missing links in human evolution. The obsession led him into the fog of Bigfoot and Zecharia Sitchin and the Mesopotamian Anunnaki and planet Nibiru. He rejected Creationism and Darwinism for another option called Interventionalism. He had just published the audaciously titled Everything You Know is Wrong. Then suddenly, a bolt from the blue β€” Lloyd found himself in possession of two apparently Pre-Columbian skulls. Kismet. It was almost too good to be true. One was so egregiously deformed he theorized it could be that of an alien being, or no less than a hybrid. The details are available at his web site. And yet, Starchild struck a universal and totally human chord.

So, Lloyd, wherever you are, take a bow. The road less traveled is full of thorns and snakes, but you made the trip anyway, without a flashlight, without a map, trusting yourself β€” as Kipling wrote β€” when all men doubt you. It may not be good enough for history, but it’s good enough for now. Rest in peace.



