Releasing the False Grid of Our Truth~ Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

A false Grid is “a belief system” (1) shared by many, perhaps even by many cultures, which spreads throughout societies and affects our way of being, thinking and perceiving.

An example of this came to me yesterday while I watched, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” a movie about the Nazi Regime during World War II where eight year-old Bruno, the son of the “Comondante” in charge of a concentration camp, and the extermination of Jews held within this particular camp, who secretly befriends a Jewish boy of his same age.

During the movie, the Comondante tells his son, “Jews are the enemy.  They’re not people. They’re nothing, but animals, and they didn’t deserve to exist in the world”. Young Bruno sensed there was something wrong with his fathers reasoning which leads to the final events of the movie that I won’t tell you about in case you haven’t seen it.

The setting, and overall theme of this movie was the prime example of a false grid.  A belief system upheld within Nazi Europe, which spread throughout German society, and far beyond with great, and unstoppable force. This belief system became a devastating, monstrosity which will never be forgotten, but it’s also a quiet reminder as to how far we, as humanity have come since those turbulent times.

The momentum of truth within the collective is growing with each passing day.  More, and more people are waking up, and there is a deepening understanding to the meaning of coexistence as partners, as equals, and as brothers, and sisters on this magnificent planet we live on.  False belief systems on every level of our existence are readily made known to us now, and if we chose to acknowledge them for what they are with understanding and clarity, we will see beyond the horizon of the old dualistic world, and continue on our path towards a bright new world for everyone.

Another false grid which many of us have come face to face with concerns the truth about the “realness” of the unseen world, and our choice as to whether we develop a loving relationship with it, or not.

For centuries, perhaps since the beginning of time, fear, and the concept of our connection to the unseen has tremendously hindered our growth, and at the same time, our truth as spiritual beings has remained hidden from us.  In the past, and all through out history,the  mere idea of a relationship with the unseen world was forbidden. It was literally pounded into oblivion with fury, violence, hatred, torture, social ostracization, and shame to such a degree, humans have completely shut off the most natural, and NORMAL part of themselves which connects them to the very truth of who they are.

Science and Spirituality are intermingling, as quantum physics is explored, and recent findings have told us the two are indeed connected.  We are at the crossroad again as people leave the old belief systems behind, and embrace what they know in their hearts as truth.  The proof is in our DNA.

Just as our biological DNA transmits inheritances of body, spiritual DNA transmits the legacy of our evolving consciousness. It has information on the trajectory of our soul, which describes how we have come to be who we are. Who we are is the direct result of our travels; that is, the course of our incarnate experiences, all of which contribute to the evolution of our consciousness. Travel includes interactions and dialogue with sources and entities outside of us, as well as the time spent in personal review and reflection on those interactions. All of these records or memories can be found inside your spiritual DNA.

I believe with all my heart our guides, teachers, the angelic realm, and our compassionate allies are waiting for us to release our fear, and the beliefs we’ve acquired, perhaps over lifetimes regarding our interaction with the unseen world. This is not easy to do, as it is heavily engrained within society, and our very BEing that is it either too scary, or flat out wrong.  It’s quite possible, once we release this belief, it will unlock the door to the truth of who we are, as spiritual beings, and as loving Creators.

The door is open, if we chose to walk through.  When we take that first step, it may be frightening at first because this false grid of fear is still with us on a subconscious level, although consciously, we want to move in the direction of our hearts, and if we chose to do so, we may be called to gather courage,and faith, as we take that final step through the open door.

The understanding of certain beliefs which have hindered us in many ways will blatantly come forth in the days ahead.  With all my heart I hope those who read this will understand, as I have, the importance of releasing this particular belief system; fear of ostracization from society, family and friends if we chose to openly engage with the unseen world.

The veil is gone.  We are at one with the unseen world if this is what we chose.  It is in fact, the most natural state of our being.  It is who we are, and we all have the ability to access this part of ourselves, and to open the door.

Without a doubt, once we truly recognize this truth, our family of light will be waiting for us on the other side of that door, and there will be every reason to celebrate!


1) The Difference Between False Grids and Vasanas: By Steve Beckow
