The Creator Writings - Guidelines

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The Creator Writings


Be considerate – take care of yourself, but be aware of and think about your actions/reactions and how they affect others.

Be slow to judge – every person has a paradigm they exist in and you most likely do not see the whole picture. Remember, those you judge may be clamouring to be first in line to judge you.

Be quick to release negative emotion – negatively flows around and follows you like a dark cloud. Other are less willing to connect with a person that exudes negativity. Release, knowing you are being gentle with your body in the process.

Be kind – a moment of kindness to yourself or another sends ripples that will always be returned to you ten-fold. You may not remember the kindnesses shown, but The Universe always does.

Show respect – in showing respect for yourself and others, you are showing The Universe that, no matter what your/their station in life, they are deserving of receiving all the good your Earth has to offer. 

Always love – it is what you were designed to do. It is not necessary to like every person that surrounds you but, love in it’s purest form is. Each person you come in contact with carries a piece of The Divine Spark within them. If you cannot love the person, love the Spark.

~ Creator
