Hey everyone, I'm going to try an explain some ascension experiences at extreme degrees, working with the DNA and activations from a type of meditation with galactic waves of energy or cosmic forces that effects our growth in spiritual evolution. Cosmic codes can activate from higher states of Being, concepts emitted from past events in those states, Ultaihymaextreme is what I'm going to call these "stock" of experiences. It works in the altered states and activated junk DNA when more strands are active and effective at the same concept where our vibrational fields are augmented in frequencies and gathered in a constructed manner.
1. Ohh ok I think I understand, the machine? the same as the suns binary star synch? As Septembers meanings of withstanding the energies and staying in our body's, had a conceptualized idea from December a "knowing" that a machine similar to the effects of what can happen in September was at work. Ones running the machine could not withstand the energetic flux* and went out of body. Very Interesting to remember December, could it be, a possibility? What was it's purpose, humans, ascension, phenomena. Alterations in a concept for truth? If truth is the future hmmm
(This is a construct, that we can hold within, what was going on is a split in our timelines where the future was being played out in the past while the past is where we are now being.)
With that concept we can create a multitude of experiences that are gazed in the future and constructed in the past... so Bi-location.
2. It's quite simple, to loose a link, but then again is it really loosing it, if we gain an awareness from loosing it? Creates a new link, an ongoing transformation, all ways a new relation. Renews newer senses on a different level. So many points to shift our awareness in perspectives from known experiences. My previous revelation brought up a "space break" I'm not use to it yet to explain. But my field of vision, distorts to a ratter perplexed event, that which psychoactive chemistry from a level of creation, links a "break" these go deeper on a subatomic scale. Could it be a link to a greater octave of perception... It seems to relate to that which we see as the astral realms haaa its a possibility but within could it be the same? What kind of technology do they utilize. I have no clue? Because astral projection, you would be able to see humans on earth in the physical yes? So if the perceived octave expands to view them beings, is it within the astral? If not, may be a plane of existence in an afterlife? There is so many possibilities I don't know where to go from right now... When the hidden known potentials, in technological advancements from ets and such become apparent to the masses, easier concepts to these will be written. Even tho we already know? Ouff
(This is an exerpt, and is connected to another comment that I wrote 2 or 3 days later.)
It's a concept that utilizes our codons... DNA codons, writes within it the constructs gathered from higher states. The pineal is fully activated and the brain utilizes more processes than the usual scale. In other words its a new way of thinking.
3. Yes, well actually if I don't analyze I can't get there lol that's why you see me constantly at it sometimes, and the only complexity in there is that, instead of knowing we are one, we experience it in ways that even the unaware is part of your experience that which is so real that you can not discern if they are playing tricks on you because its so advance, your conscious awareness connects to as much as you can utilize to get you to understand. I'm going to try to give you an example, everything that we usually do not perceive, becomes apparent within the creation...
So it goes both ways* When we read information gathered there** what I see here*** while explaining it, we can look at it the same way because we are one.
* The creator... If we put the creator in a perspective of US, what I am creating here, is recreated back at US if the creator is open to everything.
** In the creation, to explain the unexplainable
*** is the unexplainable I am experiencing it
(Here was an old link, the new one related to Number 2 is number 4)
4. Obe's Out of body experiences Is the mention of where Space breaks leads to seeing in the alterations, psychoactive chemistry from the creations. It's all linked, the energy utilized to comprehend from the own creations augment timeless space "x" a conscious metamorphosis? The primal sound being the meanings of the new life "x" from creations.
"x" is a variable in which conscious energetics are gathered in an increasingly complex manner? It becomes a reinvention, of that which needs to build "span" a concept from one in all of time, hmm its the best I can explain it right now.
The machined, quaked up, to let creation repair the living GRinD.
To pride eyes into a life GRinD. Metamorphing the primal sound.
I understood it, do we? I'm not sure yet we can conceive it but its not apparent till others interact. That which I mean fearless in their knowing (self) from intensive augmentations, their own creations.
(Here was an explanation between worlds, concepts emerging from the past and future in the now, the creations are aquired by are own discernment and life experiences, when you are ready for more you can and will go trough new experiences that can be life altering)
5. Hahah It's nice to know some things which we can learn whence in spherical concepts. Creations that gather momentum and build to higher awareness from universal lengths. For example yesterdays news in an area of the world, creates a potential reality link to your ongoing momentum when your awareness is keen to the now. Time is not only linear, that which our "now" can bring us to events within the linear scale, our awareness superimpose the links to our ongoing momentum. This is from within, as from within we can go without linear superposition. Each potential reaches, to an extent out of time, brings a concept of telepathy? If one works within, these do not correlate to fractions (factions), may I ask why? Because an awareness creates the potential link to another reality. I'm not sure yet... The higher you get at* understand is a oneness Unity grid, a universal conscious field.. and to comprehend you need to realize your surrounding.
Uëÿmæx'œ we are one
(It's hard to explain I don't get there often anymore, but when you do keep it up as long as you can and the reconfiguration will get you to new dimensional heights in being and experiences that are distinct in our own souls evolution and path)
6. Thank you, remembering to be centered, new levels of awareness can be expanded on these, as to other thoughts that come from "outside" as One, reflects back and forth changes. In other words, the mind can subside to balance, from multiple stand points, within conscious reach. As higher awareness can shift our conscious perspectives, we learn to heal from beliefs.
The altered states of consciousness.
(So with that said I got enough for tonight I hope this helps out a little bit, theres more within us than we think and to explore, being open to new possibilities is allways a good thing, the same way we can quantify numbers and begin to see a new reality after a period of time, we can also augment in dimensional realities and accelerate our ascension.)
Namaste, Be at One with the Universal life force of creation within.