~ Sandra Walter ~ Early 2014 – Collective Shift in Reality

Eddie1177's picture

This was a difficult message for me to deliver, as I personally do not like to provide predictions of this magnitude. Those on the Ascension path will understand my intention to serve the collective by preparing all of us to be pure Wayshowers dedicated to demonstrating what Ascension is truly about: LOVE and UNITY.

For services and Ascension support, visit http://www.sandrawalter.com




Avalon's picture


My gratitude knows no words. Thank you, deeply, for your message. I have come to a great sense of peace reading it.

I understand your reticence to make predictions, I am dealing with this within my own circle, but I believe we all understand that when it is time to speak our wisdom and messages, it is our responsibility to do so.

I am grateful that that time has come for you.

With much Love and Light,
