New Moon Solar Eclipse November 25th ~ Planetary Focus of Gratitude
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Celebrating Our Passage!
An inner reflection centered on gratitude for our collective blessings.
There will be no audio support for this transmission. Please use this time to receive and transmit in blessed silence.
Beloved Children of the Sun, the Ascended Host is so close to us now... offering our Global Family a sincere and well-earned congratulations for our collective passage through the 11.11.11 Stargate as we all received our final key to the Kingdom. Confirmation has been pouring in from planetary light servers across the world stating that they have never seen the crystalline grid shine so brightly with the sacred fire! This is an incredible testament to the limitless power of our unified intention and our continued expansion as a Group Avatar. With the framework for the Rainbow Bridge to the New Earth now being firmly anchored throughout the etheric grids, we can begin to prepare for even greater levels of unity and multidimensionality. The Ascension Gates have swung wide open and cosmic light continues to stream forth through every particle of life. This long awaited Cosmic Moment has raised the planetary vibration to a rate we have previously only dreamt of. As One, we stand at the precipice of the unknown, fully supported by the Legions of the Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth. It is with unwavering Faith that we collectively take the leap into the eternal NOW of the New Earth. Congratulations, Children of the Sun, WE made it to this moment. We are ONE .
Group Body Maintenance
As the intensified planetary rays penetrate our global energy matrix following such a powerful portal activation, it is extremely important that we take as much time as required to integrate and ground the ascension codes into our multi-dimensional beings. You may feel called to spend more time in Nature, in quiet contemplation, or any number of activities that will assist you to continue to receive the activational codes of light in a grounded manner. Many light servers are experiencing altering attachments to food.You may not even require food from this moment forward. Please honor your intuition and allow your body to be guided by your I AM Presence in order to maximize the expansion of your Light Body. You may feel called to nurture your changing physical garment in different or unusual ways. Everyone will have their own experience and with our attention placed upon our inner sun's presence, we can trust completely that we will each be guided to walk the path to maximize our gifts and our soul purpose. We may also experience our lower selves reaching out to cling to the old and familiar as we begin to live fully in the vibrational field of our I AM Group Avatar Presence. Be gentle with yourself, allowing your attention to constantly rest upon the Greater, the God Spark within each and every one of us. Our multidimensionality will maintain a consistent level of expansion as we march forward towards 2012, in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan of Mother-Father God. Through this expansion we will see deeper levels of activation within our I AM Avatar blueprint as the gray curtain between worlds pulls back and we experience a more complete sense of Divine Remembrance. With our newly awakened Avatar abilities, our capacity to act as Instruments of Divine Will shall be increased exponentially and our service to the ascension of humanity will reach new and extraordinary heights. ![]() ![]() ![]() Through our continued application of the Sacred Fire, we can greatly stabilize and ground the cosmic energies coursing through our beings as they emanate from the Great Central Sun. With special focus upon our multidimensional glandular system: the Pineal, the Pituitary and the Thymus Glands, we invoke a full saturation our multi-body system with the Sacred Fire to allow for a swift raising into the New Earth crystalline harmonic and the evolving expansion of our I AM Avatar blueprint. We gently remind you that our passage through the Stargate was an inner experience, an inner pole shift. Some individuals in the unified field may be experiencing a sense of disappointment as they were expecting some kind of grand outpicturing on the physical plane of the Divine Dispensation. Now, more than ever, the Forces of Light are responding immediately to our united invocations and supporting the calls for instant manifestation. As everything is a reflection of the inner, we will soon bear witness to the grounded manifestation of unity consciousness on the outer planes as we continue to radiate the flames of Divine Love and Union.
Planetary Grid Transmissions ~In Gratitude~
New Moon Solar Eclipse ~ Friday, November 25, 2011
After several consecutive weeks of firing the grid and incredible acts of planetary service, we are now entering into a space of stillness... to receive and reflect on the next phase of our journey while simultaneously radiating the light of gratitude to all creation in honour of the individual and group roles that wereplayed during this cosmic dance through the 11.11.11 Stargate. The American Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, November 24th, the day before our New Moon Solar Eclipse. The energy of gratitude will already be percolating through the unified field and it is our collective intention to amplify thisdivine presence throughout the crystalline grid. We have SO much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to. For now, in this moment, let us reflect on the collective blessings we have received during these momentous weeks and allow our hearts to fill with Divine Love and appreciation for all that we have been gifted with. Let us hold the patterns of the Immaculate Concept in our illumined minds, truly seeing the entire planet as ascended and FREE. Our beloved founder and visionary director, Tiara Kumara, gave SO much of herself to bring us to the final stair on our journey HOME. As she continues to transmit the ascension codes through her human vehicle from the depths of the Amazon, we the Oracles of the Flame, would like to offer our SINCEREST gratitude for her unfailing support and unconditional love on behalf of our Global Family. It is not our intention raise her onto a pedestal but simply to recognize the sacrifice and dedication of a fellow light server on the path of selfless service. ![]() We extend this same gratitude to ALL of you for your continued support and endless generosity, for without you, none of this would be possible. From the depths of our unified heart, we THANK YOU, Children of the Sun, for shining as one in tremendous brilliance. We are the Avatar Race. Adonai. Go forth... in Gratitude.
A Sacred Act of Review
Undoubtedly, we have witnessed extraordinary shifts and magnificent expansions since the inception of the Children of the Sun ascension platform in 2007. As we continue to remember more and more of our divine heritage and the infinite potential of our avatar blueprint, we feel a deep sense of appreciation for who we are and where we have been. In preparation for the incredible year ahead, we would like to encourage you to take some time to review our collective mission and Hall of Records. This sacred act of review allows for a deeper integration of our I AM Avatar blueprint as we cultivate any areas of our character that require our attention to ensure that we continue to receive the higher vibrational codes of light with grace and ease.
The Hall of Records can be found on our website: |