The Oracle Report ~ December 18

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By:, 12/18/2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Full Moon Phase: illumination, fulfillment, realization, shadow, experiences

Moon: Cancer

Diamond Sky Dakinis Rule This Lunar Month, Not The Mahavidyas

AUDIO UPDATE 11/24/2013

Today's energy is about bridges and bridging - going from one mental or emotional "space" to another, taking things from one level to another, and moving from the past into the future.  Usually a bridge carries us over something treacherous or untraversable.  So if something has been distressing you, in your mind's eye project a bridge out in front of you and walk.  Envision what you would want the situation to look and feel like.  What elements of the past would you like to bring forward and which ones would you like to leave behind?

A great deal of change is happening at the macro level of the human collective and the micro level of individual lives.  Changes that are happening now will open doors.  New ways of thinking, feeling, and living are emerging.  If you feel like you are in a whirlwind of change, remember to construct a bridge that will keep you grounded while you follow the changes.

Venus is preparing to go retrograde (December 22 - February 1) and is almost at a standstill before it does.  A planet is "retrograde" when it appears to move backward in the sky.  While Venus is retrograde, circumstances and situations with relationships will undergo reformation.  Venus retrograde overhauls relationships.  Things transpire that make us view things differently.  We undergo a revision of what we feel is truly valuable in relationships and life in general. Venus is retrograding at the degree known as "a large aviary,"  which symbolizes lots of chatter, voices, and confusion, and also a gathering of those of like-mind.  Ultimately, much clarity will be gained during the retrograde.  This will be the first time Venus has retrograded since the "return of the sacred masculine" so it will be different than it previously has.  There will be dramatic correction within relationships.

We continue to pay close attention to what we are hearing and seeing, alert for messages that are important on our courses.  This happens while we hold the mindset of connection with the natural world.  Watch for animal messengers, particularly birds.
