~Ashtar: Now Is The Time To Thrive!~

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~Ashtar: Now Is The Time To Thrive!~





"Well, good evening Family! Wow, big things are happening everywhere on Planet Earth and they are being echoed, if you will, throughout the entire universe. We are being observed. And we know that each and every one of us is, in turn, the observer because things are happening so fast. Yes, you heard a report * and there is so much that is going on just slightly behind the scenes now, because things are, what you call, leaking out. It has been noted for instance, in the mainstream, that bankers and their families are suddenly and for seemingly no reason, leaving their homes. Imagine that! Ha! There is a reason, and you know the reason.


"It is being announced more and more that people are coming into a coalescence of minds and hearts regarding the, what you call, the major topics or the issues of the day. It is true that there is inspiration, much inspiration for the voices to be being raised now. In other words there is, shall we say, a command from within that says, 'Wait a minute, this is not the way life should be. This is an announcement that we need to make changes.' And of course you all know about the 'Occupy' beings. And you heard what happened behind the scenes and what triggered a most unjustified and violent - shall we say desperate move - by the one called Bloomberg and of course the company that he keeps.


"And we will tell you right now that what this has done is to inspire around the world even more voices to be raised. This is not going to shut down the 'Occupy' movements, this is going to enlarge them. You know, we’ve seen this in other countries where the standard of living is not as high. In the United States of America and the other more 'civilized' - and we say that knowing that you know what lies behind that word - in the more civilized countries people are not as quick to occupy, most especially in this country called the United States of America because the people feel that they have so much to lose.


"How much does a mother whose family has no food, no home, how much does she have to lose in one of these so-called third world countries by taking to the streets to try to improve things? As far as the physical basic comforts, not much. But you take the average - although this is a misnomer now - but the average middle-class American, you know, that vanishing breed, as fast as the dark hats can make you vanish – what have you got to lose? Well, you could end up losing something by going out into the streets, so this has been absolutely huge, this shift!


"This joining of hearts all over the world has come to the United States of America, to Canada, to the other so-called western world's civilized countries. We have a beloved family member in the country of the Netherlands and fabulous Fran has just posted the video he sent, he was interviewed by the news** with the NESARA flyer in his hands, holding it up and talking about NESARA freely, and it is now a YouTubie and it is on the websites for you to see, and it will be mentioned in our next email upon this topic. He is in a country that is pretty much across the world from the Americas. And there are others working with him in the countries of France and the United Kingdom, and the United States and other countries too.


"You see, these people know that it’s time. And so it is the thousands of people who went to the cities in the state of Wisconsin. It is the thousands of people now who are getting out in the streets and saying, 'Let’s remove this or that official' - you know one of them – he is not 'walking' much anymore, he is being slowed to a total stop, from the state of Wisconsin, and they are saying, 'Let’s get him out of office!' NESARA does that you know, 'Let’s get them out of office. Let’s have people of integrity and responsibility come into the offices where they hold the absolute authority to make the laws, but let’s be sure that they abide by the laws, make sure the laws are what we, the people, choose for ourselves, and let's make sure they are coming from high vibrations, not just to serve a few, but to serve all!'


"You see, people are waking up everywhere and it is contagious, it is spreading and these attempts to shut down the Beloved 'Occupy' people, yes, may temporarily remove them, and yes, there may be some who are treated with brutality. We will tell you this, everyone in the uniform of the police who did any act of brutality to any of the occupiers has now been balanced out by one thousand, and more, who wear the uniforms all over the country and the world who are saying, 'No more. We are here to serve the people, we will not do this!'


"Yes there still may be a few who have not quite gotten to that place yet, but just imagine what all of that Love and all of that desire to move into a true service, and not power and authority, even to the point of attacking people who are observing their own rights to free speech and to the freedoms that they are calling forth - just imagine how powerful that is.


"You see, what these dark ones have not known through the ages, have not learned yet, some of them, is that every time they do something which is for their own highest and best good at the expense of humanity, there is a gathering of hearts from those in body and beyond, the Light Beings, and the ones who have passed from their bodies, and they say, 'Alright, we are going to coalesce some energy to bring Love to this situation, or that situation.' And it has happened and it has been a series of wars and atrocities and finally, the consciousness has coalesced to the point where these actions are being literally transmuted into higher energies, higher vibrations, through forgiveness, and through a desire to unite all in Love.


"And more and more people are waking up, opening their eyes and getting on that high road every time they see something like this going on, because they have to question, 'Why would anyone do such a thing to anyone else, be they human or animal?' Look at the plants that Monsanto is poisoning. And then stop and rejoice that the consciousness is coming to this place of coalescence, this joyful upraising and uplifting, because that’s the reality, that's what's happened. It’s there, it’s happened, it’s now, it’s 11-11-11, perpetual, and only gathering even more momentum, and there is more and more Oneness everywhere!


"Stop and think about it. Perhaps you have been hugged by someone who used to be somewhat of, what you might call, a grouch - 'I’m so happy to see you.' 'Happy? You’re happy?' Well, even the Grinch got happy, and if the Grinch can do it then everyone can do it! Particularly in this season, which we celebrate. And we call it the Holy Days because there is more in the atmosphere, if you choose to access it, of the true meaning of giving and receiving. It’s not about stuff, although stuff is good, stuff can bring Joy - just ask Mother [Sekhmet]. Remember, 'a little red sports car in every garage,' you know?


"That is well and good, and it can certainly light up the eyes of a child, but the giver gets even more Joy out of it than the receiver because the giver feels so good! It’s a high vibrational experience for everyone. So let’s get right to it and give Love. Send the gift of Love. There are so many ways to express - express that giving. Take care of you, nurture yourself, give yourself a day nurturing of some kind because you deserve it. And then go and tell your friends how good it felt and encourage them to do the same, maybe offer them tips and hints and all of those things, because it feels so good to give to yourself and then, when you're feeling high vibration, you give to others. And that is what is holy about these days, so by all means make the children in all happy with the gifts that you give that, you know, sit under the Christmas tree and you unwrap them, or the Hanukkah, or whatever. But remember the greatest gift of all is love, and think of how many ways you can express love. Maybe make a list and do one each day. How’s that for the Advent Calendar - a new form. Ah ha!!!


"So, in this period of time when we are so grateful for these wondrous energies coming to assist the upraising of Planet Earth and, by extension, the entire universe, when we are so inspired by the days most recent on your calendar - and it’s still going, the energies are still there, they were put into perpetual motion by all who even spent a nanosecond observing or celebrating the 11-11-11 - so tune in and access wherever you are, whenever you choose, and then build on it and add to it because it has just become that much easier as a result of all of the wondrous gatherings and celebrations and individual thanksgivings that were sent to the universe on 11-11-11!


"And now we have another gift, and yes we have already done some speaking on it, but we want to tell you some things that are observations of ours about this 'Thrive' movie.***  First of all - there are no coincidences - there are timelines. How beneficial it is for the entire planet that this movie, which took about eight years to make, was released on 11-11-11? No coincidences there. Talk about adding to the energies. We encourage all of you to see it, and we are going to share a little secret with you. If you go to their website, and Fabulous Fran will have more on that, more connections for you, but if you go to their website and you click on to where it says the 'Music,' and you will hear it here - we have requested that - but there is a beautiful YouTubie that goes with it. Enjoy it! Because you already know about all of these things, but just imagine the whole world is hearing and seeing what is encapsulated into that movie, so go to that YouTubie and soak it up and say, 'Yeah! Hooray! It’s time it’s happening, it’s here!'


“And for those of you who have been frustrated, we're going to tell you something. You may be familiar with the fact that the Voice’s family has not taken any interest - well, she has a cousin and before her an aunt who has passed who did take an interest in her mission work here with the Ashtar Command and the 9-Star Center. However, the rest of her family, with the exception of one son, didn’t want to hear about NESARA and even that son was not particularly interested in her spiritual work. She is knowing that now is the time to send the link to that YouTubie to her entire family and anyone else she can think of on her personal email list, and we suggested to her that the subject, you know, the little line that says what’s in it, might be something along the lines of, 'It's time for you to catch up!'


"So powerful, and so truthful and so believable is the way that this movie has been put together - here’s the big summary: It's not conspiracy theory, it’s ConspiracyTruth, but it is spoken and documented from a perspective of Love and energy and connection with Higher Self, Mother/Father God, Mother Gaia, and there are speakers who have credibility. For all of you who were disappointed that the White House did not disclose, Dr. Greer himself, is in this movie. The one called Deepak Chopra is in this movie and there are many, many. The only thing we will caution you about is that Obama is pictured with the Bushes and so on. And you all know that Obama is not here to perpetuate the same old, same old. He is here to lead the way to the changes, but he needs support.


"Which brings us back to another mission. The mission is to connect 'Thrive' with NESARA and connect NESARA with 'Thrive' because it is not mentioned in the movie.**** There are solutions presented in the movie, but the way to get these solutions, like free energy and the clean-up of Mother Earth, and so on, is to get NESARA announced. Now, this movie took a long time to make and it may be that the courageous beings,***** because they came from an Illuminaughty background, and they chose to step forward and create exposure and truth - and it may be that they have the gag order associated with them.


"But, we are suggesting that you contact these beings and let them know that NESARA is the answer, and that you encourage everyone you know to watch the 'Thrive' movie because then they will understand what NESARA really accomplishes, what it is here to do. And because the 'Thrive' movie is so beautifully spiritual, even while it is telling Truth, the connections will be that much easier for people to make!!! So we will have some tips and hints. We will suggest and we welcome - please, give us your inspirations and your ideas. I ask this on behalf of the three women and our entire family of Ashtar. Send us your emails, your thoughts, your suggestions, watch at least the YouTubie previews.****** Tell us how you feel.*******


"Remember, we are communicating on the level of feelings - yes there’s plenty there for the brain to absorb, the Voice got a little boggled in some of the sacred geometry – we can say that - but the feelings that it portrayed, the Hope, the Joy, and the opportunities that this movie presents - that is what there is there for you to share. And you can do so because it’s time, and we’re telling you it’s time. Even if you’ve tried before and – 'Oh, nobody will listen to me, they all think I’m a conspiracy nut, they don’t believe in NESARA, and so on and so on,' – that’s 'over, rover!'


"Family, the energies that are here and the beautiful connections that were created on 11-11-11 have divinely ordained that NOW is the time to speak and raise your voices, NOW is the time for us to come together even more and get NESARA, if not onto the front pages of the mainstream media, at least take it to the 'Occupy', just like our Beloved Julian did in the Netherlands. Make your signs big - BIG letters. Pass out flyers, take them to your yoga or gym, take them to your church. Take them anywhere people gather, spread the word - the consciousness will respond, and we shall get this done.


"Give the gift of wake-up, always packaged in a wrapper that is beautiful, high-vibe unconditional love. We’re changing the world, Beloved Ones, we’re moving up together and we have been given this precious gift of 'Thrive' to use to bring even more Joy, even more Peace on Earth, and even more Love because that’s who we are, that’s what we’re here to express and that’s what we’re here to beam to the entire Planet. So just be in that energy and let’s get it done! We already see it as so. And so it is. Salut!"


* Tara and Rama http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/

** http://www.wethepeopleforpeace.org/default.html click on link at the top of the page "A Video Explaining NESARA At Occupy Amsterdam"

*** http://thrivemovement.com/

**** http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/thrive_with_nesara.html

***** Kimberly and Foster Gamble

****** You may need to use Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari to access the "Thrive" website previews and information. To see the entire movie, you can pay $5.00 to download it (and forward it to your friends so they only have to pay $4) or pay $20.00 for a DVD.

*******  ashtarwebmaster@msn.com



Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, November 15, 2011. http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
