Help Stop The Wolf Killing Contest!!

Ra-Raela's picture
Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife via 
5:00 AM (19 hours ago)


to me

Take Action



A group called “Idaho for Wildlife” has scheduled a wolf-killing competition next weekend. Help us stop it!

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Tell Idaho Governor Otter and Idaho Fish and Game Director Moore – this unconscionable wolf–killing contest must be stopped.

Dear Carolin,

An Idaho hunting group wants to make a game of killing wolves. If you’re disgusted like I am, help us stop it.

A group called “Idaho for Wildlife” has scheduled a wolf-killing competition next weekend. Cash prizes of $1,000 will be awarded for killing the largest wolf and killing the most female coyotes – and to add insult to injury, children as young as ten are encouraged and incentivized to participate.  

Tell Idaho Governor Otter and Idaho Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore - this unconscionable wolf–killing contest must be stopped.

This is believed to be the first competitive wolf-killing contest in the Lower 48 since wolves went on the Endangered Species list in 1974 and it’s precisely the sort of extermination-era tactics that led to wolves’ near-extinction in the first place. This is not hunting; this is simply mass-killing for fun.

Defenders is adamantly opposed to this sort of competitive killing derby and the dangerous and unethical precedent that it would set. It’s up to you and me to show the Governor and the Director of Idaho Fish and Game that this kind of unethical behavior is unacceptable; Americans will not tolerate barbaric anti-predator killing competitions. 

Time is running out. We’re asking Governor Otter and Director Moore for an emergency closure of the Salmon Zone where the contest is scheduled to take place. Won’t you?

Those Idaho wolf-killing contest organizers are wrong – America’s wolves belong to all of us. And to enlist men, women and children in the wholesale killing for cash is outright disgusting. 

Stand with us by demanding action to protect Idaho’s wolves.

Thank you for all you do.


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife
