Star Sister Astrology - This Solstice Brings Another Cosmic Event

Doreen Smith's picture

December 21, 2013  

Hi MotherGod,

In just a few hours, a great energetic gateway swings open.  We're about to cross a turning point in the journey we're making, in every minute of our lives, around the sky with our Star.  At 12:11 p.m. EST, the Earth's axis reaches its furthest distance from the Sun at the North Pole, and its closest at the South Pole.  For those of us in the northern hemisphere, this is the moment when the growing darkness peaks, and then gives way to the waxing light.  In the southern hemisphere, it is the light that peaks. Worldwide, the balance between the visible and invisible light shifts.  

From Stonehenge to Newgrange to the Temple of Karnak, the ancient world celebrated the life-giving cycle of cosmic light and its renewal of life.  Today, the relationship between our beautiful, fragile, and imperiled planet, and everything that lives here, to the life-giving light -- within us, and around us -- has never had greater meaning and promise, for each of us and for all of us.  

This Solstice brings another cosmic event of great significance throughout human history -- the beginning of a new, 8-year cycle in our relationship with Venus, carrier of the Cosmic Feminine.  After coming to a standstill in the last minute before the last degree of Capricorn -- 28 degrees and 59 minutes of the ancient sign of the Guardian of our three-dimensional reality -- Venus turns retrograde at 7:55 p.m. EST.  

To the ancient Sumerians, she was Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth.  Her retrograde vision quests marked her descent into the Underworld, to visit her dark sister, the grieving Erishkegal.  Passing through seven initiatory gates, she shed her worldly identity and was left to rot on a meat hook before her rescue by the humblest of creatures and her return, renewed and regenerated, to the upper world.  Over the coming weeks, you too will journey deep beneath the surface of your life and participate in a renewal of your life and the love that sustains it. The more consciously you can do this, the more profound will be the regeneration.

Over the next six weeks, Venus will be inviting you to travel deep within to re-assess our values and reflect on what and how you love.  Until the end of January, she'll be pushing you to resolve what is unresolved in your relationships and your financial affairs and what is unwise or immature in your values.   In Capricorn, the Cosmic Feminine seeks that which is enduring and can support your deepest wisdom.  She values the structures -- in every part of our lives -- that can contain and nurture your growth over the long term.  

A retrograde transit is never the best time to initiate major activity in the domain of the vision questing planet.  It's a time when the energy turns within, so that we can become aware of something important that we've forgotten, lost, or neglected.  In Venus' case, that means it's time to re-discover our most authentic values -- in our relationships, our finances, what we find beautiful and worthy, and our ability to receive and cherish life's abundance.

Venus begins her vision quest just days before Mars, her cosmic lover, dials up the turbulence of the Uranus-Pluto square.  Traveling through Libra -- a part of the zodiac that Venus rules -- Mars will perfect his volatile opposition to Uranus on Christmas Day. A passionate, wilful challenge from Mars to Pluto will follow in the last week  of the year.  As 2013 gives way to 2014, there will be no mistaking the depth and power of the unfolding energies of change and transformation, within you and around you.  Only the power of Love will be equal to the force of the energies sweeping our planet.  

Venus' retrograde through Capricorn is asking you to get very serious about your relationship with Love.  Here are some ways you can begin:

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* Hold our beautiful, imperiled Earth in your heart.  Do it today and do it tomorrow.  Do it every day.With a few minutes of prayer or meditation, you can be a vessel -- a structure -- through which Love pours into our troubled world.  This really matters, for at its core, everything is energy.
* Make space for Venus' vision quest in your life.  Pay attention to her journey and her discoveries.

You can gain a great deal of insight into your relationship with Venus by reflecting on the milestones of her last 8-year cycle, the one that is coming to an end today.  Think back to what was going on in your life at these dates. The insights you get may be surprising:

        * 24 December 2005 - 3 February 2006
        * 27 July - 8 September 2007    
        * 6 March - 17 April 2009
        * 8 October - 18 November 2010
        * 15 May - 27 June  2012 

Retrograde Venus often brings reconnection with long-lost loves, values, memories. In Capricorn, she values age, antiquity, and wisdom.  Watch carefully for the revelations she will bring you in the days and weeks ahead. Though profound, her movements can be subtle. You might want to keep a Venus' Vision Quest journal to help you notice what is going on beneath the surface of your life.

* Move through the week ahead with great care.  When Mars opposes Uranus and challenges Pluto, accidents can happen. Be careful when driving.  Stay away from dangerous situations.  Be gentle with yourself and with others.  Everyone you meet is likely to be on edge at least some of the time in the days ahead, as Mars accelerates the tension and pressure for change within us and around us. Instead of taking offense, take a deep breath into your heart.

* Give yourself access to the full picture of the energies unfolding within you with a personal reading of your one-of-a-kind birth chart -- and consider giving those you love the unforgettable gift of a personal reading. If there was ever a time to equip yourself with a cosmic perspective on your life, it's now.  We're at a turning point in our extraordinary journey -- and it's not over by a long shot.    You'll ride the exciting, challenging, and powerful energies of 2014 with much greater skill if you understand what's on the horizon. 

My Cosmic Preview of 2014 readings are the perfect choice for the special people on your holiday gift list -- including yourself!  Each 1-hour reading is only $74 and comes with a written list of the top 10 life-changing energies -- and their dates -- unfolding in your individual birth chart in 2014.  

* Because of the enormity of the energetic shifts that are underway, I'm continuing to offer all current clients (if you have already had a reading from me, that's you) a special on 1-hour Big Shift Updates -- just $56 an hour!  For new clients, Big Shift Updates are $74 through the holiday season.

* Full readings of your natal, progressed, and transiting energies are available at the holiday rate of only $137 -- a discount of almost 30%!
To schedule your reading or update, or to purchase a gift reading, email me today. I can't wait to hear from you -- and to explore with you the gift to Life that only you can give. 

May these holidays be rich with blessings and  breakthroughs for you.  May you be a vessel through whom Love pours into our troubled, beautiful world.

Love and blessings,

Star Sister
(aka Marcia)

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