Source: - 12/22/13, raydawn
Hello to you Dear Ones, it is I Saint Germain, here to speak to you!
Now as we are moving beyond the year of one, 2013, we are all coming home to the heart space. We are all coming together in unison to awaken our hearts upon the great sphere on which you reside, Mother Earth.
The heart song is calling you home to remembrance of your innate gifts and wisdom. To bring forth here the occurrence of Love!
Love holds no bounds and yet the bounty of love, is so fruitful!
Each of you is here upon the Earth to awaken to your innate knowledge and to sing your soul song into form!
How does one bring forth their innate gifts and wisdom and sing their soul’s song into form?
It is quite easy as you let go into all that you are! All that you are in truth is within you, within your own being. Now is the time to remember this occurance of love, within you!
Awaken to the truth that you are here with purpose and acknowledge these facts:
You are born here to remember your innate gifts and wisdom. These remembrances can be achieved by stretching yourself in your daily moments. Each day, each moment, is an opportunity to ignite your innate gifts and passions. You can do this by allowing your own rhythms and passions, in this moment or any.
What choices are you making that allow your passions to stream forth? What is your essence, and do you allow that essence to gain strength and creativity?
Yes, dear one, are you allowing You?
This ‘You’ can be more known, just as your innate gifts and wisdoms are more known by following your own joys, movements and passions...
Say you have always wanted to sing, but are afraid of your own voice. Can you allow just this moment an occurrence of love for your being to allow this voice entrance into this world?
Now is the time of manifestations dear ones!
As you allow your own passions and rhythms-- your own soul speak, so to say-- you ignite your passions and gifts. This stirs the pot for others, for life, and for manifestations of your creative gifts and fire!
Be easy as now is the time to move forward and to allow your soul song with love!
Love is the strength and the bond that is holding together all creation!
As you come home to your own strength and wisdom, cherishing your own rhythms and soul’s songs, you are allowing all upon this world to ignite their gifts as well! Each one of you matters and allows further manifestations of joys and new birthing of creativity!
Dear Ones of this planetary sphere; now is the time of bringing forth your hearts’ wisdom, your flame of love!
Be easy as well as you come out of the woodwork! Share yourself and your heart. Share your souls’ song!
Yes, it is Lady Nada as well to speak to each of you!
As you come home to this rhythm of your creative spirit, your spark of life, enjoy the occurrence of love within you... enjoy your own rhythm and the love you generate within!
This love is yours to claim now... Each of you, as you claim your gifts and rhythms and joy, you create greater harmony for this beloved sphere, Mother Earth, and for the collective consciousness of humanity!
Each of you has come with purpose to bear your gifts upon this world... be fearless in this! Share of yourself and open to the wind, to the water, the sea, to the air, to the earth... enjoy life!
Shine out upon the earth with your creative joy! All of the things you have put off for greener pastures, dear one, claim them now...Now is an opportunity to make peace with yourself and to enjoy your life!
Open to your creative fire and spirit and share the wisdom you have brought with you, from all time and space. “Sing, sing a song… Sing out loud, sing out strong!"
We say this as now is the time that you have waited so long for and nothing is stopping you from your dreams... take each moment, each day and consciously choose to move forward with your song, with love for yourself!
Enjoy your unique abilities and compare not, but see that you are so beautiful as you allow your own self-love and comfort and safety.
Each of us is here to support this occurrence of new light, new creation!
As you remember who you are here, be open to greater realities of love and new possibilities of ease, of grace!
Fall into this love deeply with you, enjoy you and bring forth your gifts now! As you do, you make possible with us new creation to be born here and Mother earth is awaiting this conscious effort. She is sharing in your joys and harmonies as you rise up and awaken to who you are here upon her beautiful surface!
We are united in one family of love and as you come home to this realization, you know in your heart who you are and are excited to be free to express your truth, your love and your harmony. Each of you are the beautiful roses, opening to the light, smelling fragrant in the breeze...
Ever opening to grace and ease… so be it!
Remember the truth dear one, we are all in this together and as you allow your own grace and beauty and joy you do so for everyone upon this dear planet!
As I have said before, the Masters and I are one and you are one with us!
Join again in truth and enjoy your own reality. Be easy as you come home to the truth of your most sacred heart… You are love eternal and everlasting!
We thank each of you for the occurrence to bring love to you, open daily to receive this light, this grace, as you are it, always and forever!
We love each of you! Enjoy your life as you emerge in grace dear ones. Always it can be more delightful and full of love as each moment is an opportunity to share and express your most sacred hearts!
Love and blessings of openhearted joy to each of you! Share your light and gifts now and be rewarded with strength, love and deeper purpose.
Now is the time, always it is now!
In love,
Lady Nada, Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters of Wisdom
Ray Dawn
Copyright Ray Dawn 2013-2014 All Rights Reserved
Feel Free to re-post as long as credit is given to channel and her website is included, Blessings!