Ida Lawrence ~ The Missing Fullness

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Talk2Momz  December 20 2013


“A life without love is a waste. ‘Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?’ Don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center … either you are out, yearning.” Shams Tabrizi

I’ve seen it, deep down, in myself and in so many people… a life without love in the full circle. Many of us see the great value of spiritual love, for ourselves and our world. We’ve been dedicated to it as a life path. And of course material love is natural. It’s a material world and we love the earth in all her beauty. But the physical… true self in love with another true self… intimacy… this is the love that slips to the low rung on the ladder.

It would be nice, we imagine, but quietly we believe we don’t deserve. Or we fear it because this love goes so deep that perhaps we won’t live up, or we could go vulnerable and lose it. So we remind ourselves of duty and obligation to the other two loves.

Is it a fact that if you open your heart to another human, you open your heart to the divine? Yes, it is so. We evolve through love and 3-D is the place where we do it. So, how about this question: is that divine dive into energetic/heart-communicating physical intimacy with a beloved the crème de la crème of evolutionary experience here? If the answer to this is yes, then why do so many sublimate the desire?

It’s reality, we say. I have to live in the real world: I have kids, I have a job, I have a relationship. It may not be divinely intimate, we’re not exactly on the same page, but it is comfortable enough. And besides, we have plans, and history, and I don’t trust this desire of mine… it feels selfish, dangerous and hurtful to others that I’m responsible for or obligated to. Absolutely no one would understand if I change, they would fight me all the way, my guilt would fight me all the way, so I can do without it.

When we start out in life, we’re persuaded by conditioning to sacrifice for the common good. Common good asks you to forget about developing as an individual and drop those ideas of creating a new way that suits your spirit. Becoming whole… what is that foolishness! Love is a word we like to use, but it has strange, unloving outcomes.

Quite a few folks hold to the common good pattern without much thought, and they agree to be less than they are. I would say the consciousness community has pretty much stepped out of this pattern. Where did we go?

For some of us there seems to be a pre-born direction; our spirit wishes to live not for the common good, but for the greater good. How can we negate greater good? To do so would be to negate the lives of some of the most honorable people, the greatest leaders; the magnificent ones who have done dedicated work involving great risk, sacrifice and sometimes even death. There is a greater good, and it could be a person’s karma, or destiny… an agreed upon task prior to entering 3-D.

Thankfully the ‘greater good’ doesn’t necessarily exclude the ‘higher good’ of self-knowing and becoming whole. One would think these ‘goods’ live together – that love works as one energy; a world in itself as Trbrizi says. But strangely, our matrix so skillfully pulls us into discriminating… “You don’t have a right to the fullness of love…” it says. “You must choose and focus on this love or that.”

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