Enlightened Beings ~ Guided Meditation Into The Heart Of Love

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Jafree Ozwald December 20 2013

sunshineHeartThis simple exercise is extremely profound. If it is done continuously and persistently, it’ll bring more peace and joy into your life with each grand and glorious day you have. Here’s how you do it.

Gently place your attention on your heart and visualize it as a powerful warm glowing source of infinite light. Like the sun, begin to sense the warmth that it radiates from the inside. Take your time with this, for whatever warm-feelings arise from this image, can become the foundation for your heart chakra’s future. If nothing happens, or a negative feeling occurs, continue to focus on this radiating light. It may take several days (or hours) before the bigger warm fuzzy feelings grow stronger, yet be persistent. Remember whatever we focus on will grow, and this is what we become.

Please take the challenge of bringing this heart-warming visualization while you’re eating, showering, watching TV, reading emails, walking, talking on the phone or working. Each second counts, because the seconds will add up into minutes and soon become hours in time. Once your heart is fully open to this ever-present moment, you reach a bliss-filled state where the mind and body begin to radiate a great light and love.

Start each day by focusing your awareness inside at the heart center. The more often you imagine this warm glowing energy inside your heart, the more it will continue to stay there through your day on its own accord. It will soon have a life of it’s own, and eventually your entire life will become so absorbed in deep sensations of peace and loving relaxation that nothing will be able to stop it’s amazing glow!! Your heart will become the foundation of each experience of your day all day, all week, all life long. Eventually, you’ll be experiencing everyone in their purest essence which is…Love.

You are only destined for amazing things once you can truly surrender to this great guiding force of love and go beyond the fear-based gripping ego. True surrender is an ongoing process of releasing fear, transcending doubts, and allowing total trust, intuition and love to always guide your way. If your experience of surrender is 99.99%, then ego is still in charge. It must be 100% in order for surrender to be real.

Love is not meant to be a struggle. It is your natural state of being.
