An excerpt from my morning conversation with my guides. ~ K. Kelly ~ The Event~

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This is an excerpt from my morning conversation with my guides.

The "Event" about which you have been reading is in progress.  In terms of usual Human thought on Earth, it is not a "singularity," yet in the bigger picture, it IS a "singularity."  It is "slowed down" so that Humans can experience aspects and facets of it, enabling all to see and understand the singularity.  It will not, from your current Human perspective, be like the flipping of a switch.  It is more like a rheostat being advanced to a higher vibration.  Though many of you are ready for the "switch" to be flipped, many would not be able to withstand the suddenness of such a rapid or instant change.  The key is, of course, to remain in the Now Moment, and to have the attitudes of patience and compassion.  There are, as you know, many helpers.  Consider for a moment, if you will, their patience and compassion in terms of the eons of Human experience here on Mother Earth!  Of course, the Gratitude, the Love and the Light are necessary and present, but any who may read these words are already in this awareness.  We honor you for this, and we encourage ALL  of you to continue, and to expand this awareness.  It is of great importance to remember to have and to give Gratitude, Love, Light and Compassion to those who have been stuck in the darkness for so long.  Keep in mind that the goal is for ALL to return to the Light, the Source.  Forgiveness is important as well, and begins with the self.


Happy Holiday Season to All.  May your hearts be ever filled with Gratitude, Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, Joy and Compassion.

Love, K. Kelly

Note:  Those who are the hardest to love are the ones who are most in need of it.  If  it is not Love, it is a cry for Love.  (I do not know who said this first, but hear it often from my brother.)
