~ Earth Allies Message ~ Releasing attachments; Personal Experience

Eddie1177's picture

No matter what form it takes, attachments are part of the programming, which we have to release completely cause it is not Real, this is true ascension and the Truth.

In order to Release it you have to Fully Feel it and Let go of everything that doesn’t Bring you Joy as fast as Possible, No Over-analyzing, No over-thinking. This is the Process We All have to go  through in order to Reach a Higher Level of Consciousness and Being Abundant in Joy every Moment. Isn’t it worth it ? Of Course it is, I feel. Only way out of Darkness is THROUGH IT. Bring it ON!

After a Heart-Opening Discussion at the Higher Grid 5D Sessions at this Link www.tinychat.com/galacticpress  about attachments, I started asking my Heart if there are any attachments I still have to the Illusion.And So I guess I found the answer cause next day I woke up with a bad,belly ache,not in the solar plexus ,but below and a bit on the left. Anyways ,every time I was taking a breathe, the pain was getting even worse. I put both my hands there and so I went “Ok, Angels, Love, what is this? please help me bring it out to the Surface so I can clear it. Thank you!”.

And then as I was laying with my eyes closed , I Knew, I just knew it was attachment to my Earth Family. I guess I kind of knew that cause I’ve observed myself, but I unconsciously ignored it, cause I probably wasn’t ready to deal with it, But there comes a moment when you just can’t ignore anything anymore,it’s going to be even more apparent and it’s going to hit you in the face! (metaphorically speaking obviously)And these intense energies  we’re IN right now won’t give you a break.(This happened one day before the Solstice). They will put pressure on Your baggage cause they want you to Release it to be able to Receive and be happy.

I do Cut chords with them from time to time( Probably not enough). But I,personally, feel that sometimes you have to go deeper than that. So, With my eyes closed I started feeling it All, It felt really agonizing, so dramatic, like I was abandoning them, I felt guilt, and other weird mixed and really crappy emotions( which aren’t real btw) at some point I went like Whoa, Man WTF is this?! I thought I released this and that already.But it was so deeply buried.  I really RELEASED THE KRAKEN this time! LOL Anyways, I asked for assistance to help me transform all that energy into Love, I went into deep breathing and after doing All that I FELT COMPLETELY FREE! IT WAS SO LIBERATING I ended out laughing it off cause once you see the bigger picture, you see how stupid illusion is, cause  all those emotions and thoughts aren’t even Real, yet we thought they are for SO LONG. How did that even happen? Well, we know that but yea..

Anyways, I’ve shared this story with you All because it can be of assistance to Many of You who can Relate or experience something like this now. It doesn’t matter if it’s earth family, boyfriend, girlfriend,friend, colleague. If you feel that the relationship robs you of your Joy, then it’s dysfunctional and it has to dissolve. Your choice. You have to take Full Responsibility. My earth family for example isn’t that bad, which only made things harder and more confusing. They are kind,loving(in their own 3D way, Love in 3D is an emotion, (and Love’s much moooore grander than that). Thing is, they are so caught in the drama, money, any type of lack which is just a distraction, and sometimes it does affect you, but you have to take Full Responsibility for that and let go, You have a choice, always.It became painful to watch them suffer in their own stupidity. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Send them Love and Let go. You and everyone involved benefit from the dissolvement of attachments,it's the only way to move Forward. Sometimes you need to physically move,If you feel so, listen to your Heart and Let Love be the Guide.

Also they are missing the bigger picture,and Yes, you can try plant “seeds” and share with them the Real Information, but if it’s not working you have to move on. They won’t listen and they are not choosing Love.Ego doesn’t listen.That’s what I did, I completely let go, Trust Love and Surrendered completely to Love and Love will handle the details. We’re not here to “save” anybody, We have to respect everybody’s decision/experience and detach from illusion, completely, because Love is here Now, Everywhere Present. Illusion is toast!

 And after all, WE are All ONE BIG Family and we truly are brothers and sisters and have the Same Parents, in Reality. And everything truly is ALRIGHT no matter how it looks. We All are destined to Awaken at Some Point and IT IS HAPPENING NOW, I Know that deeply! Everybody chooses when they want to awaken though, but Planetary Awakening is inevitable.

We are not here to serve 1 or 2 persons, We are Here to serve Love Only and All 7 Billion. This is our Mission of Love which everybody signed up for before incarnating here and I am walking my talk!I am veeery persistent and I am done with Illusion . I Embrace LOVE Completely in this Present Moment of NOW ! What else is there ?!

Love, Eddie

