~ Karen Doonan ~ Death is the road to AWE

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Traditionally within the old 3d earth paradigms this is one of the “darkest” times of year, fear piled upon fear, whether this be fear of not being “perfect” or fear of the emotions of both self and those around you, the “xmas” period is one that brings up a variety of emotions within each human being alive upon this planet.  For underneath the glitter and tinsel is a sting that many of you may have felt over the past linear 24 hours or so.  At this time Mother Earth is HEIGHTENING and EXPANDING her energetic signature, this is being reflected in the 3d overlay as storms, severe weather and disruption outwith what is considered to be “normal” for this time of year.

Personally I do not read newspapers, watch tv or interact with the old 3d earth unless I am guided to or it is placed in front of me. So whilst out grocery shopping the other day the weather was placed in front of me, literally. As I was standing at the checkout I realised I was actually standing on a newspaper that had managed to find its way to the floor. Picking said newspaper up the headlines were attention grabbing to say the least. Storms and disruption, the CHAOS of people trying to get home to loved ones, the outpouring of emotion as the disruptions took hold, lack of electricity, lack of COMMUNICATION all working to release that which is usually kept fully anchored within.  It was a very brief glimpse as I handed the paper over to the assistant at the checkout who folded the paper in half hiding the headlines. In that split second it was overwhelming the frequencies spilling out of the wording and the images that accompanied said headlines.

This year I have fully detached from the “xmas season”, no decorations, no xmas music and a total detaching from the “tension” that slowly builds earlier and earlier (in a linear time frame) each year.  That is not to say that xmas was not celebrated, it was but not at the speed or tension that the old 3d earth tried to teach me to experience.  Venturing out to the shops was exhausting as people rushed around me, panicking, all trying to live up to the “perfect” image that is presented year in, year out. The displays being replaced by the “sales” despite xmas not having actually arrived at that particular point.

The pressure upon the old 3d earth is the highest and most intense it has ever been, this is to help it dissolve, to burst the bubble to use a very human phrase. The difference between this xmas and every other xmas energetically is the PEACE and CALMNESS that I have experienced. Each time any emotion came up it was released in order to regain balance, to help me further anchor TRUTH for xmas was hijacked by the old 3d earth and used as a tool of further containment.

Violence INCREASES over the christmas period, the outpouring of emotions spilling over and out into the waking reality, all uncontrolled, unconsciously experienced and vented in the only way that is TAUGHT in the old 3d earth paradigms.  As the “sting” of the old 3d earth teachings trigger anger, panic and frustration.  At this time of year many will die at the hands of loved ones, domestic violence peaks at this time of year. Many more will die across the planet at the hands of those who claim to be peaceful, god fearing and pillars of the community. The tension and anxiety reaching a peak within them that they cannot cope with or control.

It has often been guided that there will be 3 days of darkness at the end of the world and that the end of times is upon us.  At this time upon planet earth are TWO worlds, the world of the old 3d earth, with separation, fear and anxiety and a New Earth where the LOVE that IS now anchors and expands.  At ALL times it is a CHOICE as to which world to walk within, the choice at SOUL level guided down to human conscious waking mind level. As one who has walked in BOTH worlds I have a comparison, spending many xmas holidays in fear of my life, in utter terror at what my life had become, fear continually triggered over and over within my BEing.  Now linear years later understanding that the outer reflection was but a reflection of what was going on INSIDE my own energetic signature. The choice this year to DETACH from ALL that I have been taught in my human life experience and CHOOSING to anchor the LOVE that IS and CHALLENGE each emotion that arose within me.

Reality is a CHOICE, it is a CONSCIOUS decision that many abdicate and that many will hold tightly on to for in order to walk in the New Earth you must first of all LET GO of the old 3d earth and allow yourself to walk in the 3 days of darkness which translates to the DEATH OF THE OLD SELF.  The process one that is extremely triggering as the teachings were designed to trigger even more fear when they were being dissolved, hence the guidance continually to have FAITH and TRUST in SELF, the walk into the New Earth is not an obvious one at a human conscious waking mind level. It is akin to taking a ROAD TRIP and having FAITH and TRUST in your vehicle, that you will arrive where you are meant to be and that your experiences along the way are ADDING to your road trip. At times you will not be able to see around the bends in the road, at other times you may experience apparent doubling back on yourself, where it appears the road disappears or goes backwards.  The road is the MAP that resides within your heart space, it is guided at all times by your SOUL. The destination is SELF in TRUTH.

At times you will stop in a lay-by to gather your bearings or to rest, at other times you will move at speed, slow down or crawl, all is part of this ROAD TRIP, all DESIGNED by your SOUL in order to move fully into the New Earth, to regain balance and to anchor TRUTH for the old 3d earth now no longer serves in any shape or form.

For those of you who can see past the tinsel and the glitter you may FEEL the shift in energy, you may be able to SEE at human conscious waking mind level that which is driving those who appear to be asleep.  The gift of this time of year and of each moment of each moment is LOVE, that is the LOVE that IS, the love and compassion that exist ALL around, within and through you and which are now asking to be gifted to those around you in human form.

All is not as it appears on planet earth,  CHOICE is now freely offered, the only person you “wait” upon in this your human life experience is SELF, no one else, for only YOU are having this your human life experience here upon this planet.  FREEDOM is the birthright of each sentient BEing in this universe but in human form it is a CHOICE that you must CONSCIOUSly take in order to anchor fully within your human vehicle.

Every scenario and situation that is presented to you over the next linear 36/48 hours is your SOUL’s way of asking you to begin to make these CONSCIOUS decisions. ONLY YOU can choose to live your life, no one else despite what you have been TAUGHT within the old 3d earth reality.  As you choose and make conscious decisions then you will gain in strength and clarity of vision, this is what your SOUL is trying to communicate to you at this time.

As a side note I watched with interest the effect that no xmas decorations, no chocolate advent calendars and no pressure had on my son, at a human conscious waking mind level the old 3d earth will attempt to trigger me with the teachings that can  be filed under “parental responsibility”.  The words today were ” I love you mum, thank you for the best xmas ever”.  That is my confirmation that TRUTH JUST IS.  A child who has had no outside influence at all from the old 3d earth unless he has CHOSEN to interact with it.  As a parent I can guide and I can advise but I cannot live my child’s life FOR him, I am guided by his reactions and his interpretation of his own life experience, giving him responsibility for his own life within the supportive boundaries of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH.

It is not TRUTH to allow others to live your life for you or to manipulate your life around you.  Miracles now birth upon and within planet earth as more and more in human form CHOOSE the New Earth reality and detach from the old 3d earth CREATED reality.

At this time I wish all of you reading this blog, TRUTH, JOY, PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY, may these frequencies radiate around, through and within you and may you anchor fully that LOVE IS the answer, no matter the question, for YOU ARE LOVE in this your human form, you incarnated into this timeline in order to REMEMBER this and to anchor who YOU ARE in TRUTH.


