Under the old 3d earth paradigms it has long been recognised that males and females speak different languages, this blog follows on from the Nephilim channeled guidance in relation to detaching from human language. I have split the blog into two different posts deliberately as I now fully anchor and understand that which is containing in respect to how males and females communicate, as I am here to work with BOTH males and females it would make little sense to write this blog from only the female perspective that I was TAUGHT to filter my human experience through therefore I address both. Many of you will be able to understand both blogs for many of you may now have reached the point of balance where you can both SEE and ACCEPT and work with the filters that are applied by those in male human form and those in female human form.
It is not TRUTH to assume that the words that are used in everyday human language are interpreted in the same way by both males and females, the distortion is an energetic implant DESIGNED to further contain and suppress and keep both sexes APART. Human males and human females do NOT experience the human outer waking reality in the same ways gender wise and this is filtered out by both sexes. Each sex contained by their own filters, only able to see one half of the picture and assuming the other half based on the filters that they are using.
Humans in male form are TAUGHT under the old 3d earth paradigms to take action, to do, they are TAUGHT to find solutions to problems and to solve problems ACTIVELY. This sets them up to view the world as some sort of massive jigsaw puzzle where they just add part A to part B and viola the “problem” is solved. This works to keep the male human very much in the HEAD as the logical human mind loves puzzles, the more complex the puzzle the more challenge and the more the male will be drawn in because they are TAUGHT that puzzle solving is the key to the human life experience. Focusing on the logical aspect of the human life experience works to a certain level but filters out the emotional responses that may alter the very puzzle they are attempting to dissolve. For nothing is black and white, all are shades of colours upon the planet earth. To work only at solving the puzzle does not allow for expansion out with the scope of said puzzle.
The process of transition for the human male may be more triggering than for the human female for the process will take you OUT of the logical mind, as the human male has been TAUGHT at all times to rely on the logical mind, seeking refuge in the logical mind at all times then the movement out of the logical mind is akin to taking their clothes off and running through fire. Unlike the human female who is TAUGHT an emotional response and interaction with the outer waking reality that is known as human life the human male may be totally at a loss of how else they will survive and interact with the world as they have no reference point other than the problem solving of the old 3d earth.
There is NO difference between the human male and the human female apart from the very obvious anatomical differences in the physical structure of the human vehicle. ALL else is LEARNED and TAUGHT under the old 3d earth reality. At this time upon and within planet earth ALL are asked to dissolve the teachings and move into balance, this is not about males becoming more female and females anchoring more of the feminine energy, it is about BALANCE, a balance of the male and female ENERGIES within the structure that you have chosen to incarnate into upon this time. The “lessons” of the old 3d earth further enhanced by the form you have CHOSEN to incarnate into. This is negated under the New Earth for gender and sexuality are but tools of the old earth, blind folds that were used to mask the distortion of the male/female energies of which you are BOTH.
The female human is TAUGHT to have an emotional response and interaction with the world around her. As a female I have struggled with this at times, unable to understand why trying to talk and explain to my male relations and male friends would see them close down and switch off whilst talking and explaining to other females allowed for the “problem” to be solved through the emotional interaction and “problem solving” skills that I was TAUGHT as a female in the old 3d earth.
Many of you reading this blog will no doubt resonate with the closing down, the fear that arises within you as the female begins to almost overwhelm you with information whilst you can SEE the solution and cannot understand her emotional reaction. It is to be noted that the emotional reaction at ALL times seeks to blind as does the very logical reaction from the male. The female will take from the actions of the male and little emotional response that “not caring” is happening whilst the male will be unable to understand that the emotional reaction is one which is blinding the female and has NOTHING to do with whether she cares or not. It is the way that information is being processed THROUGH the human vehicle in order that the “problem” can be solved. BOTH sexes actually working on the SAME thing but using different methods to arrive at the solution. The journey each takes will work to blind, to contain and to separate them, more so if there is a intimate relationship between them.
BEing therefore for a human male is slightly different to BEing for a human female. When you are asked to BE you are asked to let things flow, this for many males is a challenge as the human logical mind will try at ALL times to make you REACT to that which is unfolding, this is part of the teachings of the old 3d earth CREATED reality where the human race was TAUGHT TO REACT to events rather than to BE and to CREATE the human life experience. To be in creation mode allows for full flow of energies and allows for balance, reaction allows only for containment for you will be working blind to the teaching that seeks to teach you to react.
For those of you in male form there is NO need to do, to solve or to react. Allowing the situation to unfold and having TRUST and FAITH that by allowing flow things will begin to unfold and EXPAND may be a challenging place to find yourself within but YOUr SOUL has chosen to show you how to LIVE this TRUTH in order for you to detach fully from allowing your HEAD to keep you trapped in the logic of the old 3d earth. YOU are not asked to become female and suddenly have an emotional reaction to everything around you, this would be akin to the pendulum swinging 180 degrees and would see you equally out of balance.
Yes emotions should flow and they WILL flow as you find balance but the human life experience is a BALANCE of the physical steps to achieve the dream and the emotions needed in order to create the dream also. ONE does not outweigh the other. BALANCE is the key to ALL upon and within planet earth at this time.