Our Rightful Place Within the New Paradigm~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture




By Caroline Aguiar

This morning’s vision was perhaps the most significant yet.  It comes at a time, just hours away from the 2014, when we are standing directly upon the threshold of a New Era, and a new way of being in it purest, and most magnificent form.

We have the opportunity to leave duality behind forever, and step into our divine roles, and our purpose in this life time.  Incredible quantities of  information are readily available to us, but again, we’re asked to trust with all our heart in the powers of the universe, in the loving guidance we are so abundantly receiving, and in ourselves.  No matter how scary, or unsure it may feel at times, we can do this.  We are so much more than what we’ve been led to believe!

Just a note here, I write this in the first person, because this is what I saw, but the entire message is for everyone which you will see if you continue reading.  I think this is the way these messages will come forth from now on.

Again, I’m guided to relay an important message which came to me after a night of deep energy work on my physical body.  My body was worked on from the lower spinal area up to the top of my head.  My Higher Self lovingly guided me through it while tingling, and energy coursed it’s way up, and down my spine during the night.

This morning when I opened my eyes, she urged me to breath deeply, which I did.  She then began to show me an entirely different world. It was a world many have already entered into, while others, are on the verge of doing so. The most remarkable aspect of this new world, is that it’s a world for everyone. No one is excluded, no one is ostracized, or condemned for who they are.  This is a bright new world where we are welcomed with open arms, and loving embrace. It is a world of Truth.

As she encouraged me to take deep breaths, I felt myself go within my physical body.  Suddenly, I found myself standing on an isolated  beach.  The cool, white sand gently gave way under my bare feet as I walked the shore line. On my left there was lush greenery, and vegetation, but what drew my attention most was the magnificent red, and golden sunset which illuminated the sky.  There were two planetary bodies in the sky as well, and to me they looked like moons.

My body was that of the young girl.  She was dressed in white, and somewhere between the age of 20-25.  Her long, wavy, brown, hair fell loosely around her shoulders, and moved freely with the occasional breeze brought in by the sea.

I stood there for a moment, looking at the water before me, and then I said to my Higher Self, “This reminds me of a scene from a movie.” She indicated “no”. I also commented on what a beautiful ocean it was, and again, she indicated “no”.  Is it a lake? “no”, a river? “no”.  Every  idea I came up with which might represent a large body of water was received with “no”.

I waited for help, and I heard in my mind, “This is your life,”  My life I thought!  How can the ocean represent my life? And then it came to me, ah, deep, vast, like the ocean.   She indicated a small yes.  I was close.  My Higher Self guides me through my intuition, sometimes I hear words, and through physical sensations, and feelings, such as love, or joy.

Suddenly, it was clear.  The ocean was never-ending!  Our lives are never-ending, that was what she wanted me to understand.  Immediately I received a huge Yes!

Love swelled in my heart.  The truth of what I was seeing before me, finally hit home. Our souls go on, and on, as we progress through lifetime, after lifetime, through time, and space, our spiritual growth and learning is constantly evolving. I knew this was true. Logically, I’d read it hundreds of times, yet, the understanding of this truth is more profound when it comes in the form of “knowing” it’s true.

I then decided to sit down on the sand, and take in the beauty of my surroundings.  I felt incredibly safe there on the beach.  It was as if I had been there before.  I commented to my Higher Self how serene I felt at that moment, and again she indicated “no”.

There was something else she wanted me to understand. We had discussed this before, and I was well aware she wouldn’t do it for me.  I had to do the work.  Cautiously, I said something which was completely out of character for me, but something inside of me urged me forward, so I said, “I am serenity.”  Her response was another Yes!  I started laughing out of sheer joy because I really believed it.

My eyes adverted up to the sky.  Hues of red, and gold from the setting sun splashed across its canvas, and to me this also seemed vast, and never-ending.  I commented to her on how beautiful the sky was, and she indicated another, “no”.

I’ve caught onto what My Higher Self wants me to realize, and I’d say if you haven’t yet, we should all understand this, and believe it because it is the truth. I said to her, “I am beautiful” while looking at the sky. I don’t think I’ve ever received such a big yes, as the one she gave me at that moment.  Finally, I had caught on!  I am, I am.

We sat there for a while longer, when I noticed someone on the beach slowly walking towards me.  The person was a good distance away, but I saw he was a man who was also dressed in white.

I stood up, and slowly walked towards him as he approached. He stopped in front of me, and without speaking, he gazed right into my eyes. I quickly took note of his appearance. He was in his mid-thirties, although he had a beard, shoulder length brown hair, and the most radiant, blue eyes, I’d ever seen.  I looked into his eyes, and when I did, I felt absolute peace, and serenity.  The man before me radiated pure love, and nothing else.  He was love.

He spoke to me for a while, and I regret I didn’t know I would see him in this vision so I couldn’t write everything he said.  If I don’t write it down, I forget, but one part of his conversation with me clearly stands out in my mind, and I think this is the part which needs to be written here.

He said his name was Yeshua ( yes, I know how fantastic this sounds, but that’s what he said), and he wanted me to know that it was time for all men, women, and children to come together as brothers, and sisters. This included our beliefs about who him as well.  He said we are at the turning point of our Spiritual evolution, where we must understand our ideas, beliefs, and what has been programmed into us throughout the ages about his life, and the spiritual hierarchies we belive to exist, are no longer valid.  He told me, he is a man who lived a life of learning, just as we are all doing now. He stressed, equality, and brotherhood among all men.

We are brothers, and sisters.  From this day forward, everyone must understand this truth, if we are to move into the New Era, and take our rightful place within the New Paradigm.

We are one with all life, with the Company of Heaven, with our Galactic brethren, with the angels, our guides, the Ascended Masters, with the Creator of All That Is.  No one is on a pedestal, and no one shall ever be again. 

He bid me farewell, and he said I would see him again soon.  He smiled, and left me standing on the beach, quite in a state of shock, about what I had just seen, and heard.  My heart swelled with love, and I asked my Higher Self, “Can I write about what I saw here.”, and she indicated “no”.

I then heard the words, “You have too.”


Thank you for reading this message. It came with love, and with the highest of intentions for the greater good of all.

Love, Caroline



Beautiful thank you

Alanry's picture

Dear madam,

   I too have been feeling the energies you describe so well couring through my body at time before I sleep like gentle bolts of electricity shaking and trembling me, I too have talked it seems with Jeshua, on Christmas night to be exact.  He told me pretty much similar things and I heard the words the term Christian enthusiasts use Rapture - it is beginning now for those that are open and connected.  I definitely feel a new energy has entered my life and a strong sense of connectedness to the divine almost at all times, I don't forget it and wander off as it were being prodigal for very long now, though there are modulations in intensity and when I focus on it it is stronger - oh strange and wondrous times, a bit scarey but hey gotta go with the flow where'er it leads now, not  much choice really.

    May the New Earth and New Adam and New Eve be born Now more and more,

       Happy New Year dear All,
