The Creator Writings - The Answer You Need

Doreen Smith's picture


  The Creator Writings



How will you know when it is time to stay put, move forward, release self-imposed bonds or walk away from a situation that is not serving you? Take a moment, focus on the infinite peace of The Universe and listen. The answer will come into your heart. That is where My Voice resides. ~ Creator




Objective knowledge

AdolfoGiurfa's picture

A method of knowledge (epistemological) is DENIAL: In order to be open to know, we, as a method, must DENY was has been taught to us, leaving it "aside" so to say, in order to be able to see other realities. Only then, after having seen the rest of what is available for us, we can compare and, if that is the case, either discard what we have taken as truth or include it in a now bigger view of reality. Otherwise we are blind and deaf and, like parrots, just repeating other peoples´"mantras" , believing not reasoning. One example of these "mantras" is The Creed...decreed by the Roman Emperor Constantin, at the Council of Nicea, in 325 A.D.